Joe Biden- Liar and War Advocate


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Jun 5, 2008
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Our political commentary has gotten stale lately so I thought this title would get things rolling on the guy that would actually be running the country should we elect the socialists into office. Joe Biden completely fabricated his resume in the 70's to get elected. We're talking about jobs he never had, places he never lived, references that didn't exist. He's also been investigated and I believe proven guilty of plagarism. He is also a very strong supporter of the war in Iraq, advising Bush that there was no other option but to attack and remove Saddam from power. His plan to carve out 3 separate nations for each religious group would require many many more years of on the ground US troop support, cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and the Iraqi's are against it. How come we never hear about this in the media, yet Palin's pregnant daughter, the fact that she legally smoked marijuana many years ago, and that her husband was a former member of an Alaskan group in which some members discussed secession years ago are grabbing headlines? Ploitical forums are up in arms attacking the Republicans for a cover up of the investigation Palin is under. Yet the investigation is about that fact that she may or may not have been involved with the removal of a state trooper that beat his wife, used a tazer on an 11 year old, and threatened to murder his father in law. That's abuse of power? REALLY? It's odd I say, odd.

Here's an excerpt from Biden's Wikipedia, for what it's worth:

Biden stated in 2002 that Saddam Hussein was a threat to national security, and that there was no option but to eliminate that threat.[26] The Bush administration rejected an effort Biden undertook with Senator Richard Lugar to pass a resolution authorizing military action only after the exhaustion of diplomatic efforts. In October 2002, Biden voted in favor of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq, justifying the Iraq War. He has long supported the appropriations to pay for the occupation, but has argued repeatedly that the war should be internationalized, that more soldiers are needed, and that the Bush administration should "level with the American people" about the cost and length of the conflict.[27]

Biden is a leading advocate for dividing Iraq into a loose federation of three ethnic states.[28] In November 2006, Biden and Leslie Gelb, President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, released a comprehensive strategy to end sectarian violence in Iraq.[29] Rather than continuing the present approach or withdrawing, the plan calls for "a third way": federalizing Iraq and giving Kurds, Shiites, and Sunnis "breathing room" in their own regions.[30] Iraq’s political leadership united in denouncing the resolution, and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad issued a statement distancing itself.[29] Senior military planners cautioned that a partition policy would require American military presence of 75,000 to 100,000 troops for years to come.[28]

Flame on! :D
Please take Wikipedia with a grain of salt. This is NOT a place of highly regarded factoids. This statement is a fact and not an opinion. :thumbup:
Please take Wikipedia with a grain of salt. This is NOT a place of highly regarded factoids. This statement is a fact and not an opinion. :thumbup:

All statements are opinions man. But the fact that Biden advised Bush that Saddam was a threat and had to be removed is true. He did vote for the war and did support splitting Iraq into three nations. Also true are the plagarism charges and fake resume, which were suspiciously left out of the Wiki article... so I agree with you there!
Ok war is always a viable option.

Every heard the old saying?
Violence never solved anything.

Ask 6 million Jews. Ask 10 million Russians. Oh wait. You cant. They are dead. Executed.

Biden is not a good leader. I dont understand why in the world he was choosen by Obama. It is almost like democratic party is trying to lose a election they were going to have to try to lose. Its almost funny if it wasnt so tragic.
All statements are opinions man. But the fact that Biden advised Bush that Saddam was a threat and had to be removed is true. He did vote for the war and did support splitting Iraq into three nations. Also true are the plagarism charges and fake resume, which were suspiciously left out of the Wiki article... so I agree with you there!

If I remember correctly Biden was given evidence that Sadam was a threat. Evidence that was either selectively presented or totally fabricated by the Bush administration. Hard to blame Joe for that. Lots of Republicans were just as fooled as Joe was. In fact about twice as many Repubs as Dems voted for the war authorization if I recall correctly (that one's a little cloudy so feel free to check it out).

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Yeah right.................I,m a pacifist ,and I, will kill anybody who says I,m not :spank:

Good one oz. "War is always a viable option." Well, maybe - maybe not. I agree it's always an option, but for every side that wins a war - there's another side that loses. So at least 50% of the time it's not viable. Not good odds if you tend to get into a lot of wars. (Statistics is about large numbers, not single events)

As Obama said in his famous / infamous 2002 speech, "I'm not against all wars. I'm against dumb wars." And in spite of Wrightme43, the other 80% of America thinks that Iraq was a "dumb war". I'd cite some polls to back it up, but that'd be overkill since everyone has heard it before. Not all Americans are as hawkish as Bush / McCain. I think that's good news for America.

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The partitioning of Iraq may yet happen, with Biden's help or without. I'm not saying it's a good idea (I don't think it is personally) but in spite of the "wildly successful surge" there is still no permanent plan in place on how to share oil revenue among the various factions. Until that happens I'm reluctant to say that partition won't happen. It may be the only way they solve the problem once we're gone. If they choose to do it - so be it.

I don't think partition should be forced down their throats, but neither do I think America can force Democracy down their throats at the point of a gun. I personally don't think Iraq is a mature enough country to handle democracy. It took an internal revolution in France and in the English colonies and much later Russia to rid themselves of autocratic rule and establish democracy. I'm not sure the internal conditions of Iraq or Iran are anywhere near ready for it. And Russia is increasingly sending signs that it may not have been really ready either. Even the US is sending signals that we aren't 100% committed to democracy based on the way Pres. Bush has been abusing the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We have certainly been blessed to live in interesting times.

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I don't even know who this Joe Biden is , but anyone who votes for war as an option has to be a complete wanker..........IMHO.

Wait a minute. My history is a little lacking here. Did you guys in OZ get to sit out World War II? Just asking... since that statement is a bit too broad for my taste.

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This is scary to me... Palin say's the Iraq war is 'A task that is from God' :eek:

Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God' - Yahoo! News

yup - Common theme running through President Bush's foreign policy though I haven't seen him actually say it on camera.

I did see Sarah Palin say it in one of the videos her church (Wasilla Assembly of God) USED to make available on their website. That is, before it got uncomfortable for these good Christians to appear to be supporting a "Crusade" against Muslims.

The video may still be floating in the utube archives somewhere but you better look quick because McCain will have his PC police requesting it be taken down as soon as it appears again.

And for those that have lost track or never knew, NONE of the 9/11 plane hijackers came from Iraq. NOT ONE.

Statements about missions from god are trouble (unless uttered by Jim Belushi or Dan Akroyd, then it's good fun). Especially when its uttered by politicians. It is so absolute, that it leaves out the possibility of rational discussion. It implicitly accuses those who disagree with you of athiesm. It is what you hear in theocracies. To those who say they know what God's plans our for our political agenda, I say: you should move to Iran. They have a very vibrant theocracry. Vibrant in the sense that all the power is in the clerics hands and no one dare cross them or they will be murdered. That's theocracy in action.
Wait a minute. My history is a little lacking here. Did you guys in OZ get to sit out World War II? Just asking... since that statement is a bit too broad for my taste.


No,we were actually in it before you,but I stand by my statement,don't matter to me what nationality ,American,ozy ,kiwi or pom,if you vote for a government that thinks wars are a good thing and a means to an end , then you deserve what you get.
I hate to rouse Cuba from his delusions, but you gotta remember that Biden was given evidence that Sadam was a threat. Evidence that was either selectively presented or totally fabricated by the Bush administration. Hard to blame Joe for that. Lots of Republicans were just as fooled as Joe was. In fact about twice as many Repubs as Dems voted for the war authorization if I recall correctly (that one's a little cloudy so feel free to check it out).


Um... are you not aware that Biden was the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee from 2001-03 and then again from 2006-present day? It was his job to know what was going on in Iraq, he is the one supplying information to the Bush Administration and advising them to attack Iraq.

Don't jack this thread with Sarah Palin talk, this is about Joe Biden. Sarah has her own thread, please post in that one.

Are you aware that Biden is also running for reelection? Must not be too confident in Obama pulling this off...
Whats really sad is that these are the best candidates that this country has to run the Country. Maybe we should all throw down Party alliances and vote an independent in for a change.

Homer for President!
Wait a minute. My history is a little lacking here. Did you guys in OZ get to sit out World War II? Just asking... since that statement is a bit too broad for my taste.

Sadly they didn't, luckily for the Allies.
I am also against war I hate the human suffering that occurs to the innocent. I would not vote for a war if I were given the option. I have a family with a strong military tradition which I am proud of.
I would enlist if called to do so by my country and I respect totally all of the personnel in the armed forced that do a job that I could not imagine doing. I am not trying to start a debate about is war right or not I just wanted Oz to know that he is not alone on that one.

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Getting back on topic, Joe Biden's brother and son (both DC lobbyists) who by the way represent Joe's largest camapign contributer, are both under investigation for fraud. Millions of dollars of fraud. Why is a pregnant soon to be married daughter a scadal while a Washington insider with immediate family acting as lobbyists and involved in major fraud investigations and potentially facing jail time is not? Weird huh? I'll try to dig up some info on the fact that Joe completely fabricated his resume, also never mentioned by the media. Here's what the Washington Post said about the investigation:

R. Hunter Biden is one of Senator Joe Biden's (D-DE) three children. He was a founding partner of Oldaker, Biden & Belair, a D.C. lawyer-lobbyist shop, served as a Senior Vice President at a major financial services firm and most recently was a Presidential appointee at the U.S. Department of Commerce, where he served as the Executive Director for e-Commerce Policy Coordination under Transportation Secretary" Norman Y. Mineta during the Clinton administration... In 2003, he got a $100,000 annual retainer from MBNA to advise the company on 'the Internet and privacy law. MBNA is Senator Biden's biggest contributor. (Muckety)

The Washington Post reported:

A son and a brother of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour, court records show.

The Democratic vice presidential candidate's son Hunter, 38, and brother James, 59, assert instead that their former partner defrauded them by misrepresenting his experience in the hedge fund industry and recommending that they hire a lawyer with felony convictions.

The legal actions have been playing out in New York State Supreme Court since 2007, and they focus on Hunter and James Biden's involvement in Paradigm Companies LLC, a hedge fund group. Hunter Biden, a Washington lobbyist, briefly served as president of the firm.

A lawsuit filed by their former partner Anthony Lotito Jr. asserts in court papers that the deal was crafted to get Hunter Biden out of lobbying because his father was concerned about the impact it would have on his bid for the White House. Biden was running for the Democratic nomination at the time the suit was filed.