Jarvish kickstarter (helmet)


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Nov 29, 2015
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north of Philadelphia PA, US
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What do we think of this? I suppose anyone burned by Skully might be skittish and rightly so. The individuals involved include former employees of Foxconn, Intel, and Garmin, so at least they aren't completely from left-field. Not sure I need the HUD, but I'm aware that in traffic, front/rear facing cameras might be a good idea (in a post-accident scenario), and I have no interest in outfitting the bike with something.

I think there is a future for AR helmets. Right now they are at the science project stage, i.e cumbersome and frustrating to use. I don't think they will become mainstream until there is a communication standard developed where the helmet and bike perform a Bluetooth handshake and the ECU data is shared.
Although inevitable, I find the whole digitalisation of bikes/gear annoying and in most cases (such as this one) unnecessary. Shiny TFT displays and gazillions of riding modes seem to be the focal point of most bike reviews making them sound like they're reviewing a flat screen TV rather than a bike :D

Re the cameras; I would like to see a bike manufacturer integrate a couple of cameras in their bike.
I really enjoy technologies but the technology to hominid interface has a lot of needed development. If you look at traffic today just at a stop light, it takes much longer for traffic to start moving anymore. If you count all the additional emissions including heat and wasted fuel are these technologies better for us? The light is green but now people have to look up from their phones and and pull through the intersection while finishing their text. Think about this scientifically. That's a lot of collective time and impact on our existence because a major population is involved in that behavior. How many intersections are doing this at this moment in just the US.

I really love things like this but I'm cautious as to the impact it has on all of us. When I ride it's much different than when I drive although being a rider has made me a better driver.

"I'll tell ya what"(Hank Hill) Give me a warning system that tells me when a vehicle is coming up hard behind me so I can maybe have a choice in my future.
Another consideration is how this technology will physically effect us. How will this effect DOT and SNELL rating. I remember a member here that decided he could find a place inside his helmet for the battery on a Sena SMH10R communications unit he was installing on his helmet. It's a small battery so an outside mounting is pretty neat and unobtrusive. I understand the concept of how we might want to be perceived and the impression we like to make on others but this is at risk with that battery making an impression on ones self.

People don't even cross roadways without their nose in a phone today. In a sense it seems people have been hypnotized into living somewhere other than being present in their own being. The technology is great but in a turn I'm enjoying what's happening between oneness with my machine and nature. I dunno, maybe it's the type of riding I do. I think the idea is definitely a worthy pursuit. How it will actually do in the market might be decided by how many experienced riders have need for this type of information. I think the other marketing factor will be how it can be adapted to your specific helmet.
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I cannot agree more re: noses buried in phones. I've become (more) acutely aware when riding in traffic (commute to work), and definitely feel more vulnerable b/c of it. That's part of the reason for thinking about cameras. I'm not one to record a ride and then watch it later... but just feels like it might be more prudent.

But I'm in agreement with most everything else said here. Do I need to be futzing with electronics while on a ride? No - in fact that kind-of defeats the purpose. It would be nice to have directions when needed, but I guess I have my not-often-used Sena+cellphone for that corner-case.
Again today, a car is making a left turn onto a main thoroughfare while texting and a pedestrian is on the crosswalk crossing with his nose in his phone. The drivers hit's his brakes just before the pedestrian looks up and jerks backwards. Maybe we should start a thread on this.....