It's official!!!


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Dec 17, 2008
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Belgium, Ghent
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From 1 september 2011 you have to wear gloves, long pants, a jacket and boots in Belgium. So no more people without that. :D It becomes as standard as wearing a helmet. So you could get a ticket for not wearing them. :D
There are some other changes too, like we can park almost everywhere, as long as there is a space of 1,5m left for pedestrians to pass. And on highways we can split lanes between the two most left lanes.
But the riding gear law is the most important. :)
For the Dutch people: Moniteur Belge - Belgisch Staatsblad
It appeared in the staatsblad. ;)
I'm very much pro-gear and never leave home without it but I'm 100% against enforcing it using laws and fines. Everyone should be free to make their own decision. Wearing gear should be rewarded (ex: better insurance rates) but it should not be imposed on anyone.

I love the fact that you guys can split lanes and park anywhere you like tho - that's been my wet dream since I started riding.
From 1 september 2011 you have to wear gloves, long pants, a jacket and boots in Belgium. So no more people without that. :D It becomes as standard as wearing a helmet. So you could get a ticket for not wearing them. :D
There are some other changes too, like we can park almost everywhere, as long as there is a space of 1,5m left for pedestrians to pass. And on highways we can split lanes between the two most left lanes.
But the riding gear law is the most important. :)
For the Dutch people: Moniteur Belge - Belgisch Staatsblad
It appeared in the staatsblad. ;)

A very good thing that decent gear is now mandatory, but I do have my doubts about the speed which we should watch when driving trough traffic congestion. The last thing I'm going to do is check my speedo, doing that is a receipt for disaster. Of course I do slow when going between all those cages queuing for hours.

Just my .02

On a side note, dirty gear nothing better then driving to a rain shower to remove all those bugs.
I'm very much pro-gear and never leave home without it but I'm 100% against enforcing it using laws and fines. Everyone should be free to make their own decision. Wearing gear should be rewarded (ex: better insurance rates) but it should not be imposed on anyone.

I love the fact that you guys can split lanes and park anywhere you like tho - that's been my wet dream since I started riding.

I don't agree on that. A lot of people don't understand the seriousness of wearing gear. So for them it is good that there is a law. And for the people that do understand it, it is normal to wear gear. So...
The most important thing is, that people now will wear gear. And that a lot of future hurt will be reduced. I understand your pro free will. But I don't think it is relevant on this topic. Riding=gear. Period.
From 1 september 2011 you have to wear gloves, long pants, a jacket and boots in Belgium. So no more people without that. :D It becomes as standard as wearing a helmet. So you could get a ticket for not wearing them. :D

Unfortunately another example of intrusive Euro-nanny action into the lives of it's citizens. I'm all for ATGATT, but let the individual decide and not the state.
The most important thing is, that people now will wear gear. And that a lot of future hurt will be reduced.

No, the most important thing is people's ability to look out after themselves and take responsibility for their own safety has been taken away from them, not that people will now wear gear. We will see wide diversion on this law (US folks vs. Euro folks) in the commentaries that will follow.
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Do you really think that wearing a seatbelt should be left over to the goodwill of the people. Or that people should be able to choose between wearing a helmet or not? Traffic is a serious matter which concerns human lives. Would you let stupid people choose the maximum speed in your street? I don't think so. Our views on traffic are far too different. So we have to come to a standard that serves the safety of everyone. And people that don't respect that should be punished...I'm sure that everyone that is pro free will, will have had a moment, that when a lunatic on a bike/car did something stupid they thought: "Men, I wish the cops saw that..."
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I don't agree on that. A lot of people don't understand the seriousness of wearing gear. So for them it is good that there is a law. And for the people that do understand it, it is normal to wear gear. So...
The most important thing is, that people now will wear gear. And that a lot of future hurt will be reduced. I understand your pro free will. But I don't think it is relevant on this topic. Riding=gear. Period.

That's the type of thing that's fixed by proper education. Make rider training compulsory and emphasize the importance of gear. Show people what happens when you crash with and without gear. Educate people. If after they've been made aware of the importance gear they still decide to ride without it - it's their fundamental right to make bad decisions that don't hurt anyone else.

You can't fix stupid my friend. Preventing it only pollutes the gene pool and impedes evolution ;)
Unfortunately another example of intrusive Euro-nanny action into the lives of it's citizens. I'm all for ATGATT, but let the individual decide and not the state.

No, the most important thing is people's ability to look out after themselves and take responsibility for their own safety has been taken away from them, not that people will now wear gear. We will see wide diversion on this law (US folks vs. Euro folks) in the commentaries that will follow.

That would indeed be the most ideal situation. :)
That's the type of thing that's fixed by proper education. Make rider training compulsory and emphasize the importance of gear. Show people what happens when you crash with and without gear. Educate people. If after they've been made aware of the importance gear they still decide to ride without it - it's their fundamental right to make bad decisions that don't hurt anyone else.

You can't fix stupid my friend. Preventing it only pollutes the gene pool and impedes evolution ;)

I support your opinion on that. That's the way I learned the importance of wearing gear. But I learned already enough by just my imagination of an accident. I think you way of thinking is not bad at all. But then the way of education should change radically.
Hi Philippe,
That's a very good decision.I agree with you. I thing that is very important to wear full gear. Human lifes will be safe from now in belgium. In belgium, it is the community who pays for those unconscious guys (riding in short pants...).
Philippe (too)
I really like the idea of getting better insurance rates for wearing gear, it does make a lot of sense.

And no I'm not going to comment on the other replies. :spank:

Why not? You can tell your opinion here. I like to do so and to listen to other's opinion. It is good to learn from other's. I only have seen good reactions on my thread. And all of them where true. :)
Why not? You can tell your opinion here. I like to do so and to listen to other's opinion. It is good to learn from other's. I only have seen good reactions on my thread. And all of them where true. :)

Agree, as long as comments are well thought and made calmly I like to read what others have to say. That's how we learn. We will never agree on all things, especially where laws are concerned.
Not commenting on the EU Governance ...

The law however is sure up for discussing. I do find it a good matter for the gear thing, and using bus lanes provide the proper traffic sign is in place to be allowed to use the bus lanes as a motorcycle.

Having had 2 accidents already and twice saved by my gear, although I should have bought that back protector after the first one. That would result in not having a ruptured spleen membrane with the second one ow and breaking the same wrist again ...

So of course I'm going to advocate for ATGATT but does that mean it should be made mandatory by law ...

To my opinion yes and no,

Yes because it will force people with only 2 functional braincells to ride with proper gear and thus could improve the general point of view of motorcycle riders and since it is mandate by law, insurance companies are then also required to pay back whatever gear is damaged without asking questions.

No because those who choose to not ride in full gear that is up to their own, each time I see the T-Shirt on a supersport I can't help thinking that it will hurt if he hits the tarmac.
I don't agree on that. A lot of people don't understand the seriousness of wearing gear. So for them it is good that there is a law. And for the people that do understand it, it is normal to wear gear. So...
The most important thing is, that people now will wear gear. And that a lot of future hurt will be reduced. I understand your pro free will. But I don't think it is relevant on this topic. Riding=gear. Period.
It's just like the seat belt law, every one knew it was a good idea but the legislation just encouraged them to use it.
The biggest downfall to legislative changes is the insurance companies have another reason on how to get out of claims.

I am with those saying that this kind of law is going a bit above and beyond the government's right to protect the idiots of this world from themselves. You can't fix stupid by making stupidity illegal. :D
Thanks for the post Philippe, I think it's a good thing :thumbup:, the UK is introducing this standard for their bike test from July 1st (if you don't dress correctly you fail), which is a start :thumbup:.

There is a downside though, although I do wear a dayglow vest in the winter, I don't in the summer :spank:, and as we have seen in the Paris thread this is the norm they want to introduce there :(
One would presume that a law to protect would be good on the surface, however I'd compare it to school uniforms, an idiot in a uniform is still an idiot, although has the appearance of not being so. I like the fact that here, I can spot someone who already makes poor choices and avoid them if needed/feasible to do so.

I applaud the effort to legislate out stupidity as said before...However choice is choice, if not wearing gear, I believe you alone should suffer the cost of not doing so. Change the laws to make one responsible for one's $elf. I don't want to pay for 15 years of you drooling on your bib in a wheelchair because you made a bad choice! That legislative change I would support in a heart beat!

I like all humans, make bad choices from time to time and feel I am responsible for whatever ends up happening. Shift the responsibility, but ultimately don't take away free choice...