It's HOT!!!! Post your heat wave forecast! July 21, 2011


The Angry Blue Mantis
Mar 22, 2011
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Post your location, and forecast temperatures for the next 2 days!

Central Virginia

Thursday: High 101 F (heat index 115)

Friday: High 102 F (heat index 116+)

Had the coldest and rainiest spring here in SW Ontario this year than I can ever remember.... Love this heat... hope it lasts through the fall... I never complain about it being too hot...:thumbup:

We will be approaching (close anyway) those temps here as well... 36C ~38C today....
Had the coldest and rainiest spring here in SW Ontario this year than I can ever remember.... Love this heat... hope it lasts through the fall... I never complain about it being too hot...:thumbup:

What is your forecasted temperatures today? Can Ontario break 100 degrees F? Or even 90?

I love warm weather...but 100 degrees with 80% humidity is not pleasant for any activity...other than swimming.
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It's so damn hot that I get a "page not found" when I search for my zipcode!
Between 87 -90 for the next few days, that's a bit on the cool side for out west but with low humidity it's cake. Sorry you guys are getting nailed, we have had a cool summer so far.

Perhaps this will help you cool off. I took this pic Saturday near Virginia Lake Ca at 9000 feet, we had a really big snow winter this year.

Jacksonville, FL and we're looking at a high of 95*F today and a high of 92*F tomorrow. Of course, the temp doesn't change a whole lot. Something to do with a big old ocean right there. It's in the low to mid 80's at night and low to mid 90's during the hot part of the day.

It was 82 when I left for work at 6am.
I'm not far from the ocean (6 miles?) in San Diego. The next two days are going to be a hi of 75 and a low of 65. East a few miles in Ramona,Ca. will be 90 deg. and an hour east from where I live is Borrego Springs, Ca. which will be 106 deg. So if I go for a ride today I can be in up in the mountains at 89 Ranchita, Ca. and drop 4000 feet for about 17 miles to the desert at 106 deg.
They're talking temps around 98 with heat index of 110 here in Rochester, NY.

I took these pictures last night when I left work, and when I got home. The first is purely from sitting in the parking lot all day and as cool as it can get. The second is when I got home.

Untitled by camper4lyfe, on Flickr

Untitled by camper4lyfe, on Flickr
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For me the forecast is 95F(35C) with a heat index of 113F(45C) -- I'm not far from CanadianFZ6

Wow, did not think it was possible for you Northern guys to see this kind of heat! It sucks having to deal with bitter cold in the winter and still get hammered with hotter weather than Florida! I need to move to Hawaii.
Wow, did not think it was possible for you Northern guys to see this kind of heat! It sucks having to deal with bitter cold in the winter and still get hammered with hotter weather than Florida! I need to move to Hawaii.

This is unusually hot, but we typically have a short (May-Sept) but hot summer.

We get 4 "real" seasons. The winter one runs a little long for my liking.
just north of Binghamton, NY right now 100F feels like 103F 48% humidity. July is always our hottest month here in NY. It's usually in the high 80's low 90's this time of year here.
Temps in Iowa broke 100 with heat indexes ranging from 110 to 130. That was on Monday through Wednesday.....just terrible.

Today, 98° F 75% relative humidity. The air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Tomorrow 96° 72% RH.
I hate this!! The weather is the one infuriating thing on this otherwise excellent island.....

That's 66F!!! I mean WTF!!! ITS SUPPOSED TO BE SUMMER!!!!!


Post your location, and forecast temperatures for the next 2 days!

Central Virginia

Thursday: High 101 F (heat index 115)

Friday: High 102 F (heat index 116+)

Since the official start of summer time. Where I live until present we have had 35 dry days.
Temp today 13C (60F approx) overcast but dry.
We have given up on hoping for summer. Having said that Spring was beautiful.

Atlanta ga heat index of 111 where i work Braddock Metalurgical, i do flame hardening and took a temp gun and was checking out random things around were my area is ie, the floor, cieling, wall, desk, crane....etc) and the lowest ambient temperture i could find was 127!!!!!!!WTF:surrender: