It's funny b/c it's true...


Gear Whore
Jun 14, 2007
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MA - North Shore
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A short, funny and true story I thought was worth sharing.

My wife and son (he's 16 months old) were out for a walk yesterday. A Harley went by and he pointed at it and proudly said "lawnmower".

Full disclosure - motorcycle isn't yet one of his ~15 words so I guess it's not really about it being a Harley. He did have his mom read him a couple of CycleWorld's this morning so he's now got a version of Kawasaki and Yamaha added to his exponentially growing vocabulary.
The kid is heading for a Nobel price for sure!!!

Would have loved to see some broad shoulders drug dealing rocker type's reaction to a 16 month toddler calling his Harley a lawnmower :thumbup:
Would have loved to see some broad shoulders drug dealing rocker type's reaction to a 16 month toddler calling his Harley a lawnmower :thumbup:

Hey what about us FZ6 riding broad shoulder tattooed metal head rocker types...and I would own both if I had the money and room...

That being said "out of the mouth's of babes" or at least how they associate things is one of the best things about kids...

"How come your dad doesn't wear a seatbelt?"...My kids response, "Because his tummy is too big!!". Gonna miss these younger years when those teen years start.

Racer beat me to the Quote...guess i'll take the silver medal
Psshhh....Harley...what’s that...a bike...ohh cruisers :ban:...bikes....wooot...not my style. Sport Turing and sport bikes all the way. If you wanted comfort, then drive a car. Harleys/ sho not my style. But hey, if you like cruisers by all means go for it. Whatever floats your boat u know.
It didn't look like this, did it?

In fairness a plough would have been a better description. Then again they do both operate in the same theater. A field lol.


PS childhood years are priceless, they provide us with the emotional buffer we need when we are thinking of changing the locks when they are 16.