Is it ever to hot....


********* w/ Twisted Fate
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Mar 11, 2007
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Dover, NH
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Here is today's Accuweather for Dover, NH. At least it isn't HUMID!

Tuesday, Jun 10
High: 93 °F RealFeel®: 113 °F
Hot and humid with sunshine

And yes, it really does feel that hot! I took a ride this morning but don't think I can stomach gearing up this afternoon! :eek:

What about you South/Southwest riders? Do you ride no matter what? Do you skip gear or portions thereof when it is this hot? Or, are you responsible and sweat so you don't bleed? :cheer:

*EDIT* Here is a pic I just snapped on my thermometer which is on the north (shadded) side of the garage!

View attachment 4651
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im feeling the heat too lately. waht i do is NEVER ride without my helmet no matter what, but ill put on some jeans with small holes and it keeps me fairly cool. the good thing about the heat tho is you can lean your bike hardcore all day with no problems.
I've ridden in 115 degree weather......with all gear!!!! Instant headache though. :D

sportrider rides EVERDAY, no matter what the weather is like. He has ridden in 130 degree weather. ACK!!
I guess I will find out when I get off from work and have to ride home at 16:00.

Was not really that bad yesterday. I'm pretty much only riding the back roads, so I'm moving most of the time. Would be hideous to be stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.
Today it'll be 100 deg. w/only 5% humidity here - this is about my limit!! The good thing about this is it won't be 100 till ~2:00pm - 4:00pm.
Later in the summer when it's well over 100 deg. at 10:00am the sun's hot & the air is like opening an oven.................I'll just use one of the other vehicles!!
Oh, yeah it gets all the way down to 90 at ~ 11:00pm!!

But it's a dry heat!!
DC area my thermometer says 101* I have no idea what it feels like but Im debating taking a ride to the MVA to drop off my old plates. Yesterday I squid it and only took a T shirt and jeans with my half helmet cause it was wayyy to hot.
Myself, I will not compromise on ATGATT so I'm either sweating or AC in the cage. I don't mind the heat on the way home. I always hope that the morning ride in will be cool enough to not sweat in my work clothes under the gear.

So, billm... are you a Jeff Dunham/Walter fan? ;)
Re: Is it ever too hot....


Go to WalMart and get a cheapie, ($20.00,) imitation camelback water backpack... They carry two liters.

Give it a rinse, fill it 3/4 with ice and then top off with water.

Strap it on under your mesh riding jacket, B.

Snake the hose through your jacket and it's there for a cool sip whenever you need it, plus it's like AC in your jacket!

I had a three hour ride this weekend back from a friend's house in 93 degree temps, and unlike the day before, (same temp,) I didn't get a headache or die of thirst!

It still had ice in it when I got home. It has an insulated pack, etc and is a great cheap solution. Maybe not the best for short trips, but f you have an hour long ride to do or more, it's freaking awesome!

Cheers to cold water!

(I add a little salt to combat heatcramping, because those of you who have studied environmental heat emergencies, (maybe I'm the only one,) will know that sodium and electrolytes follow water and this is why we cramp in the heat even though we drink plenty of water.)

-And now YOU know, and knowing is half the battle!
I've ridden in 112 F heat. I just ride in a t-shirt when it's that hot. I know we should gear up, but the sweat just isn't worth it to me. I guess that I've ridden since 1980 without even having my bike tip over (Knock on Wood) so I would have been suited up for the nothing that ended up happening.

I know it's bad karma, but the heat just kills me and I like riding too much to stay off the bike. I must say that I'm more self consious about it now after reading all the I crashed my FZ threads that have been showing up lately.
to ride?

Here is today's Accuweather for Dover, NH. At least it isn't HUMID!

Tuesday, Jun 10
High: 93 °F RealFeel®: 113 °F
Hot and humid with sunshine

And yes, it really does feel that hot! I took a ride this morning but don't think I can stomach gearing up this afternoon! :eek:

What about you South/Southwest riders? Do you ride no matter what? Do you skip gear or portions thereof when it is this hot? Or, are you responsible and sweat so you don't bleed? :cheer:

*EDIT* Here is a pic I just snapped on my thermometer which is on the north (shadded) side of the garage!

View attachment 4651

I ride not matter what because it's my only ride. Hottest I've ridden was 117 degrees last year with gear (gloves, jacket, boots) jeans though. The sun gets so damn hot, that you can feel the heat scorching through your visor, and your legs. My shirt is soaking wet from sweat. I have to change shirts when I arrive at my destination. The pavement is like a freaking stove. God knows what would ever happen if I go down when its that hot. Not only do I have to worry about road rash, I would have to worry about burning myself. This year, I'm planning to wear shorts with my mesh riding pants. So far so good, hit triple digits today, not too bad.
Coming back from work in Boston today was very hot and I did sweat, but I came home. Stop and go traffic is the killer, especially with our "heated" seat. In the AM I ride to work at 6am, so even today it was only 78 or so and the sun was not too strong.
No compromises - ATGATT. I did order a mesh jacket and summer gloves which should help.
Is that why I had a RAGING headache Sunday night after my long group ride in 95 degree weather with 70% humidity??? I mean, I was sweating something fierce and drinking a 16 ounce bottle of water at each stop (about every 1/2 hour to 45 minutes) and felt fine.

Then I got home and not 30 minutes later, my head started to hurt. I took some aspirin, but it only got worse and worse as the night went along. I've never had a migraine (knock on wood), but this was the WORST headache I've ever had. And it felt different from every other headache I've ever had too. Usually, when I get a headache, it's in one particular part of my head. Not this one. It was front to back, side to coverage. And it was a different kind of pain. Piercing, not just throbbing.

How do you counteract this sort of thing??? How do you prepare for it?

Oh, and good tip on the salt. I had a weird thing happen on the way home. About 15 minutes from home, my hips started aching bad. Like, right in the ball-and-socket part of your hips. I'd never had that happen before. It was a cramping-type of feeling, too. I wonder if that's from the heat and profuse sweating???

Any tips would be great. I may be going on another long ride this weekend, although isn't not supposed to be quite as hot. I can deal with the hip thing again, but not the headache!

BTW, I was wearing ATGATT. But it was my Fieldsheer Titanium Air Mesh 2 pants and APS Speedflo mesh jacket. I just couldn't bear wearing full leathers in that heat.
This year, I'm planning to wear shorts with my mesh riding pants. So far so good, hit triple digits today, not too bad.

I wore shorts this morning with a sleeveless T under my mesh gear. It wasn't bad at all. My opinion of this is mesh gear is cooler than no gear because the air blows through and it keeps the sun from your skin. It certainly works for me anyway! Now if I could just find a vented helmet that actually DOES vent! :thumbup:
How do you counteract this sort of thing??? How do you prepare for it?

Oh, and good tip on the salt. I had a weird thing happen on the way home. About 15 minutes from home, my hips started aching bad. Like, right in the ball-and-socket part of your hips. I'd never had that happen before. It was a cramping-type of feeling, too. I wonder if that's from the heat and profuse sweating???

Any tips would be great. I may be going on another long ride this weekend, although isn't not supposed to be quite as hot. I can deal with the hip thing again, but not the headache!

BTW, I was wearing ATGATT. But it was my Fieldsheer Titanium Air Mesh 2 pants and APS Speedflo mesh jacket. I just couldn't bear wearing full leathers in that heat.

A couple of things. Keep yourself hydrated BEFORE as well as during the ride. Drink fluids with electrolytes such as Gatorade. stay away from caffeine before and during... Get your potassium level up before the ride. Have bananas or raw potatoes before taking the trip. Raw potatoes are great for starting the trip. Scrub them clean with the skins on and eat like an apple. These also cure acidic stomach! Healthy and loaded with potassium. No carbonated beverages before or during... Ok, so it was more than a couple... lol!

Nice to know you didn't compromise ATGATT! Go mesh!
I live near St. Louis and temps can get around 100 in the summer. I ride with jeans and boots still to protect from radiating engine heat. I also have an Icon mesh that the sleves will unzip to make it into a short sleeve mesh.
One piece leathers with no vents through Death Valley, 117+. I stopped at gas stations and used the water hose to soak my leaters down, worked pretty good. I has had a 44oz iced ice in my tank back with one straw slid into another, and I could poke it under my helmet when I need to drink. When I go to LA from Phoenix I was toast, burnt toast.

What was even dumber is I did it the next summer too!

Not too bad here in Louisiana, maybe 90 and 25% humidity.