Interesting,chain lube

Some interesting points there, makes me want to seek out that Teflon lube that was mentioned here before; it will provide lubrication but will not attract dust and dirt.
I use the teflon dupont lube as well. It doesnt attract dirt, and it seems to work better.
My opinon is that my chain since it is spinning around really really fast, and is metal contacting metal, needs to be lubricated. I have seen a chain with less than 8000 miles on 2006 zzr600 never lubed untill I cleaned and lubricated it because he came over here. It had big tight spots in it. You could spin it and see it bump and pull against itself. After a good cleaning and spray it seems to work alot better. My chain with almost 13k on it doesnt do that at all. Thats all I know for sure though.
IMO metal on metal = friction = needs lube

Clean and lube your chain frequently and it should be fine, why try another method?
I've noticed ever since I've started using chain wax my chain is a dirt magnet and requires more attention then when I was just using WD-40 and the dry moly lubricant. interesting point, I've had my chain bind a few times since using chain wax, never had that problem before.
I've used the DuPont teflon lube for a while. I got about 30,000 miles out of my stock chain and sprocket. But I an a bit meticulous when it comes to the vehicles I have. Take care of them and it should last almost forever.
Gosling, your avatar is cracking me up! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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