Input on Sidi B2


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Mar 30, 2007
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Atascadero, CA
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Hey guys, I asked for some specific input in one of the boot threads regarding the rigidity of the Sidi B2 boots. Could those who own them please give me some feedback? The thread continued and everyone ignored my question. I am feeling really neglected and invisible. :( Poor me!

Anyway, as I said before........ My Tour Master Solution boots folded sideways when my foot hit the ground, contributing significantly to my broken foot (in my estimation). I am looking for some boots that have a somewhat rigid form, an exoskeleton if you will. Do the Sidi B2 boots have something like this? Do any boots have something like this?

I bought the Strada rain boots, pretty much the same design but less plastic on the outside. They have great protection, the B2's would be even better. The fit and finish is great and after breaking them in, I can wear them around all the time without any discomfort. Great brand of boots.
I have the Sidi B2s and haven't had any issues with them so far. As for their rigidity? They do not have an exoskeleton that keeps them rigid. They have a plastic spine that articulates vertically to allow the heel and toe to pivot up and down easily and help reduce side to side or torsional twisting. However I can grab them and fold the upper part of the boot and twist it if I apply enough pressure to them. The toe section of the boot from the tip of the toes to the base of the toes is very rigid and does not twist easily due to the plastic slider, thickness of the sole, and thicker material just in front of the arch.

If I had to compare rigidity I'd say my dirtbike Alpinestars Tech 6's are an 9/10 and the Sidi B2s are a 6/10.

I love the B2s and don't really question their ability to protect my foot/ankle/shin in a crash, yet they're soft and flexible enough that I wear them around the office when I can't wear flip flops and I don't mind wandering around in them when I get off the bike to explore.

One thing with the B2s is that they're not the best at venting heat and I often wish for the perforated Sidis when it's 80+ degrees out.

Are there any shops around that you can compare different boots? A cycle gear, or larger dealership should have a selection. I picked mine up for a good price from my local Yamaha dealership.
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if you can spend the extra cash I would get the sidi Vertigo's I have had a pair of them for 4 years I love them also they have some venting in the foot the only down side to them is they are not water proof in anyway . they also come in a vertigo rain but they are 25 bucks more that the standard but they do not have any venting in them . all in all I would wait a little while longer and get the standard ones the extra bucks will go far
I have the Sidi B2s and haven't had any issues with them so far. As for their rigidity? They do not have an exoskeleton that keeps them rigid. They have a plastic spine that articulates vertically to allow the heel and toe to pivot up and down easily and help reduce side to side or torsional twisting. However I can grab them and fold the upper part of the boot and twist it if I apply enough pressure to them. The toe section of the boot from the tip of the toes to the base of the toes is very rigid and does not twist easily due to the plastic slider, thickness of the sole, and thicker material just in front of the arch.

If I had to compare rigidity I'd say my dirtbike Alpinestars Tech 6's are an 9/10 and the Sidi B2s are a 6/10.

I love the B2s and don't really question their ability to protect my foot/ankle/shin in a crash, yet they're soft and flexible enough that I wear them around the office when I can't wear flip flops and I don't mind wandering around in them when I get off the bike to explore.

One thing with the B2s is that they're not the best at venting heat and I often wish for the perforated Sidis when it's 80+ degrees out.

Are there any shops around that you can compare different boots? A cycle gear, or larger dealership should have a selection. I picked mine up for a good price from my local Yamaha dealership.

Thanks for all the details. Maybe I should buy dirtbike Tech 6's? Maybe my incident was low probability. I figure why not try to upgrade from an identified deficiency when I buy new boots. There is a cycle gear near me, but I don't think they carry Sidi boots. The web site doesn't list them. I should call and ask. Being able to try them on would be the best possible case obviously.

The outside edge of my boot, between the sole and the ankle is what folded. That would seem to be a normally rigid part of a boot, but not on the Solutions boots I have.

As for the heat, good to know. It's as high as 115 F when I leave work sometimes in the summer!
I ordered a pair of B2s and can't wait to try them out.
Not sure who carrys SIDI in this area. Normally I like to try on boots before buying, but it was easier to order on the net than find them locally.
I have the B2 boots as well. Almost one year old. I like them very much. They seem to have a good bit of resistance to side to side loading, hyperextension of the foot loading, but the fold the toe up very easy. I am sure the vertigo/vortice are alot more protective. I wear them at work for 11-12 hours after riding in, then ride home. It is time for mine to be resoled. I had my last pair of setup boots resoled with a vibrams work sole and that is the plan with these as well.
Spend the dough and get the Vertigo Corsas or the new Vortices. They're more rigid, and also have dandy adjustability. I can bend the B2s and aforementioned Tech6s with my hands.

I broke my ankle last year from just the kind of fold you describe, and far too many boots have no protection against that kind of fold. It's what I kept in mind while looking for a new pair of boots. If you have reasonably-sized feet, you'll have more options than I do. ;)

Sidis are quality boots that last and last. They're a great investment.
Spend the dough and get the Vertigo Corsas or the new Vortices. They're more rigid, and also have dandy adjustability. I can bend the B2s and aforementioned Tech6s with my hands....

Good advice on getting the best boots you can afford. Maybe I gave the Tech 6's too much credit in rigidity, but mine seem to hold up well, but I don't have them in front of me to look. That said, I'd never recommend a full dirt boot for street riding. I love them for the dirt bikes, but couldn't see riding on the street with them.