I'm sick of Charlie Sheen


Junior Member
Mar 25, 2009
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Dahlgren, VA/USA
To all those television executives: Please stop interviewing Charlie Sheen. There's nothing at all interesting in watching a train wreck played out in slow motion 20 times a day in 1 minute sound bites. I'm sick of hearing about him. He is contributing nothing. You are furthering this slide into nothingness. Kick his arse to the curb, right alongside Lindsey. And Brittany.
If it's all sunshine and roses, where are all the other cast members who should be offering support? Where's the corroboration of all his claims about never being late, always hitting the mark, etc, etc?

He's a hard boozing jackanape.
I agree... Charlie Sheen just needs to disappear! The media needs to stop covering his exploits because he's an idiot. Same thing goes for those Westboro Baptist Church idiots.
you're just upset that you can't process him with your normal brain...

that being said, i think he de-throned Gary Busey as the craziest person in Hollywood...
Too bad Cold War isn't still on. He could be the posterboy for Soviet anti-capitalism gross decadence. What an outstanding individual. No doubt, however, he will bounce back and become even higher paid, more popular. I wonder if his coke dealer gets him volume discount.
Don't Hate on Charlie!! The dude is truly insane now there is no doubting that,but the dude has produced some Quality entertainment since the mid 80's and i've seen every Two and a Half Men episode at least twice.He has a Major drug problem,and I agree He needs to STFU!! but i'm not gonna ostracize Charlie because he has hit rock bottom.thats just not right. :spank:
Yeah, he's been a handful here lately, but I'm still willing to give him the benefit of a doubt......Robert Downey Jr. went thru a similar bout and he's recovered really well! Maybe Sheen can do the same (after he admits to himself that he needs the help).
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1EZRP9jo4g]YouTube - New Charlie Sheen Drug[/ame]
Saw this one on a friends FB page:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhgWRTr3oIg]YouTube - Kimmel Kartoon - Charlie Brown and Charlie Sheen[/ame]
Who's Charlie Sheen?:don'tknow:

:justkidding:OK. So I don't live in a cave, but seriously, I don't watch TV (except Bike Racing). I watch DVD's and I don't listen to the radio. I manage to keep with current events fairly well, but don't seem to find that I get peeved with the press flogging the crud out of an issue.

So if your TV, and radio are spitting out too much Charlie Sheen....I dunno:don'tknow:...Turn them off?:thumbup:

I do find it hard to feel sorry for someone who is that well off. I mean, if it all gets too much for him, maybe he could buy a state, evict everyone without a bike, and just go for rides every day:BLAA:
I like Craig Ferguson's take on Charlie Sheen:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WigGPO6EJ20]YouTube - Craig Ferguson 2/28/11A Late Late Show beginning[/ame]