I'm going to California...


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May 29, 2011
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Atlanta, GA, US
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...for vacation in a week and a half, and it looks like I'm gonna rent a bike to ride for a day. I'm gonna be in wine country, and the only rental place I see without going to SF rents only BMWs. Which should be good. I'd kinda like to rent an FZ6, or an SV650 maybe. Or a VFR or a FJR, a SuperHawk maybe. I'll stop here with that line of reasoning. Could get out of hand.

So my question is, do you guys know any other places to rent bikes without going to SF?

And of course I'm gonna want some route recommendations. I can ride 300-400 miles in a day without using highways pretty easy, but I may want to budget more time than that might allow for some sightseeing.

And if anybody wants to meet for a ride, I'm game. But I ride real slow, and it's gonna be a weekday when I go.

For routes, you can email me a google route. I'll reply to this thread with one around here a little later.

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Are you only going to be in wine country? Of course we have wineries in So Cal as well. Temecula, Ca area. :D
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That sounds like fun. There's a place in SF that rents SV650s. My place is gonna be a little over 500 miles from Temecula. And I really only have the one day to ride. I did find a place that says they can rent an FZ6 or a VFR800, among others, so I'm gonna check that tomorrow.

Here's a good route in N. Ga. It's a little crowded on weekends, though. Lots of squids, cages and LEOs, but there are a couple of turns where even I can drag a peg doing about 35:

GA-11 N/US-129 N to Morrison Moore Pkwy E - Google Maps

You guys ever do any riding up north?
The riding, views, AND wine is much better in NorCal. Ha! Don't listen to these jokers talking about SD and what not...they are crazy.

You have riding heaven at your fingertips from wine country...espeically if you want to hit some dirt roads too. Are you going to get a GS800 or 650 or something that is 100% street only?

Tell me more about the type of riding you enjoy and I'll post up some maps.

Oh yeah, mid-november can be hit or miss when it comes to precipitation. You may have absolutely perfect weather or you might get some drizzle. There may also be snow above 5,000 feet. Are you bringing your own riding gear? You'll want gear that can handle all sorts of weather...the temps etc. you encouter will almost definitely change throughout the day and as your rise and fall in elevation (and get closer to the ocean).
The riding, views, AND wine is much better in NorCal. Ha! Don't listen to these jokers talking about SD and what not...they are crazy.

You have riding heaven at your fingertips from wine country...espeically if you want to hit some dirt roads too. Are you going to get a GS800 or 650 or something that is 100% street only?

Tell me more about the type of riding you enjoy and I'll post up some maps.

Oh yeah, mid-november can be hit or miss when it comes to precipitation. You may have absolutely perfect weather or you might get some drizzle. There may also be snow above 5,000 feet. Are you bringing your own riding gear? You'll want gear that can handle all sorts of weather...the temps etc. you encouter will almost definitely change throughout the day and as your rise and fall in elevation (and get closer to the ocean).

Don't listen to this guy! He hacks into our site all the time! We think he lives up in the Tundra somewhere.

Come down to SoCal We have wine, we have roads, we have less precipitation. and "we don't need no stinkin adventure bikes man!" :rof: :BLAA:
All pavement...beautiful areas...but if you're looking for ONLY pristine pavement, this may not be for you. Some of the BEST back road street riding is on less than perfect pavement...I eat it up, but it's a bit of an acquired taste. I was not an immediate fan.


Now if you were willing to do some slab, you could do something like THIS MAP which includes some very very famous (for good reason) roads and some of the best scenery NorCal has to offer. But yeah, there will be some slab. So maybe if you end up with a BMW sport touring bike this would be a great choice. Pretty much includes all 2-lane painted 55 mph highways...with lots and lots of turns...and redwoods, and ocean views, etc.
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Don't listen to this guy! He hacks into our site all the time! We think he lives up in the Tundra somewhere.

Come down to SoCal We have wine, we have roads, we have less precipitation. and "we don't need no stinkin adventure bikes man!" :rof: :BLAA:

Yeah, I've heard about these adventure-riding, foul weather hackers. They should be banned! ;)

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All pavement...beautiful areas...but if you're looking for ONLY pristine pavement, this may not be for you. Some of the BEST back road street riding is on less than perfect pavement...I eat it up, but it's a bit of an acquired taste. I was not an immediate fan.


Now if you were willing to do some slab, you could do something like THIS MAP which includes some very very famous (for good reason) roads and some of the best scenery NorCal has to offer. But yeah, there will be some slab. So maybe if you end up with a BMW sport touring bike this would be a great choice. Pretty much includes all 2-lane painted 55 mph highways...with lots and lots of turns...and redwoods, and ocean views, etc.

Thanks! I've never been picky about pristine pavement. I like to avoid chronically sandy roads, though. And on rented tires, surfaces that chew rubber don't matter either. The place in Santa Rosa has R1200 GS and the 650 of the same adventury-style. I think I would enjoy that, but I found a place that says they rent FZ6, VRR800, ST1300, FJR, and a few others I like. No R6, CBR, no Ninjas or Suzukis of any flavor. I'm calling them tomorrow. For gear I'm gonna rent a suit, take thermals and a rain suit and watch the forecast.

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Thanks! I've never been picky about pristine pavement. I like to avoid chronically sandy roads, though. And on rented tires, surfaces that chew rubber don't matter either. The place in Santa Rosa has R1200 GS and the 650 of the same adventury-style. I think I would enjoy that, but I found a place that says they rent FZ6, VRR800, ST1300, FJR, and a few others I like. No R6, CBR, no Ninjas or Suzukis of any flavor. I'm calling them tomorrow. For gear I'm gonna rent a suit, take thermals and a rain suit and watch the forecast.

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Sounds good. If you end up with the 650 and want to hit some beautiful dirt roads (or trails if you're up for it) there is some great riding not far from wine country.

Good to check the weather forecast, but keep in mind that in the areas you will likely be riding you will pass through many micro climates during the course of a long day in the saddle. I'm from the East coast originally but have found that reading the weather in California and being prepared for it is much different than what I grew up with. For what it's worth, of course...
I was right outside of San Fran about a month ago for work and on my weekend off a few of us drove out to Napa Valley and went to The Hess Collection WineryNapa CA - Hess Collection Winery The drive up to it was awesome, very twisty road up the hill sides.

Highly suggest that place, at least just for the route, it was absolutly beautiful!
Thanks for the recommendations, guys! I think I've got a set of no-lose options now. It does look like I'll probably be getting a BMW though. All of the rental places that rent others either stopped renting sportier rides or shipped theirs South for the winter. It shouldn't be too bad, though. Really the main reason I wanted to was to compare a different FZ6 to mine.

Thanks again! I'll make sure and post pics.

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That would be fantastic! I prefer the quiet stock pipes to own, but it'd be nice to hear what it's like to ride those. I hope I don't like 'em! ;)

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