I'm a DADDY!!!

...sorry but I have to ask. On this forum with anything new - what's the mod's ????

Well, we just found out that she is a tiny bit jaundiced, which is not uncommon in a 34-weeker, so her first mod will be new lights to get her back to baseline.

other than that, i plan on keeping her stock for a while :)

thanks everyone, she is the best birthday present i could have ever gotten!!!
Congratulations!!!!!! She's beautiful. Rob, get some sleep quick, it's going to be awhile:D I'm glad I have a son, if I had a daughter, I don't think I'd ever sleep again.
:cheer::cheer:Congratulations to the both of you. :cheer::cheer:

Good health and happiness to the little one :iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer:
That is awesome! Congratulations Rob and Keira! The day our daughter was born was one of the best days if not the best day of my life.

Glad to hear that everyone is healthy and happy.

Congratulations again!