if you have a puig racing screen post pics

Try using the search, a novel idea?

+1, Just like Oil and Gas, the PUIG screen has been beaten to death on this forum. A search on the screen should provide anyone with a full days of reading and pics.

.........You guys are very courteous gentlemen and I applaud you for helping the guy who posted this thread. :thumbup:
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.........You guys are very courteous gentlemen and I applaud you for helping the guy who posted this thread. :thumbup:

I usually provide a link with my post when I come across a thread like this, but after finding that there are 231 different threads that are related to the PUIG screen, I decided to pass.
Try using the search, a novel idea?

What you really mean to say is "Stop being an idle B"""""d and use the search"

As someone rightly pointed out, some of these topics have been done to death and if you have not seen them and noticed that, then you should come on the board more often.

If this sounds like a bit of a bitch....then it is.


I'll share mine I just got it and put it on tonight (only my 2nd mod in 3 months). I think it really makes the bike look good. It's the dark smoke puig racing screen on an 05 fz6. I took it for a quick spin up to about 70-75mph and I noticed less wind hitting me in the face. Put my hand out in front of my helmet and could feel the wind being deflected over me not towards me. For $75 I think its well worth it.

Anybody have problems with the 'keep it out of sunlight' or else it could melt something?


this is mine

I love it! Not only does it look much better, the ride is so much smoother at higher speeds. I'm never taking it off!