I wrecked....

Wow! Get well soon! That really looks like a hard crash.

That is why I like to have ABS on my bike....
George - glad you are on the mend. Sounds like a long road back but seems better to not have broken bones elsewhere or damage to internals if that is any consolation.
Please let us all know how you are doing
Holy crap, going that fast and so far from home. How did you get home? Hope you make a full and speedy recovery. Wearing proper riding pants with amour may have not prevented you from getting two broken legs. But certainly would have prevented or kept the road rash down to a minimum. Riders sometimes underestimate the importance of implementing that 12 second rule. Yes, you have to pay attention to what's immediately in front of you, but you also have to look beyond that.
That's one hell of a ride. Glad you will make a full recovery and kudos for wearing a jacket and gear even in hot weather- I do the same. Get well.
I hope your healing is going well man, I was on a FZS600 8 years ago and a drunk driver hit me head on, broken leg, burst rib cage, crushed right foot (bike landed on it) cracked knee bone (split in two) disintegrated collar bone, wheelchair job for 2 months.

I thought I was done with biking too bro, I didn't expect it to take so long to recover, my boxing days where finished, that really pissed me off :( , the lovely woman who hit me in her Volvo wasn't insured... so bike totalled, body b*lloxed,

After many months of video games and physio, first thing I did was get another FZS600.. My bottle had gone totally, but it came back eventually.

Best of luck with your full recovery man! I was lucky too, my lid saved the back of my head from a cave in.
I hope you can overcome your reluctance to get back biking at some stage. I missed the freedom too much.

Peace and get well from Ireland. :)