I went to a tea party this weekend


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Jun 5, 2008
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We had a tea party at a local park on Saturday which I knew was pretty well organized and I was asked to go with a friend so I thought I'd check it out. Pretty interesting, it was a very large crowd considering the size of the town and the fact that it was threatening to rain the whole time. Over 2800 people came and there were maybe 8 speakers. Korean War vets led the pledge of allegiance, the organizers spoke about why they were doing it (mainly a belief that the federal government has expanded beyond it's Constitutional ability to do so), there was a speaker of Mexican decent discussing his work for enforcement of immigration laws and that ironically he is very often called a racist for doing so, and of course Thomas Payne was there in his colonial garb.

There was nothing extreme about it, although I did see one guy wearing the Obama-Joker-Socialism T-shirt, and one guy with a poster with certain facist symbol and a certain communist symbol (pretty ironic) proclaiming the similarities of government central control of production, but there are always a few nuts wherever you go. Mainly there were just regular people with American flags and their kids, lots of veterans too. I like some of what was said but heard nothing new really. They made the point of eliminating the hyphens: stop calling each other and ourselves Italian-American, Mexican-American, African-American, and instead celebrate our unity as simply Americans with much more in common than not. It was a positive message. They called for an audit of the FED which Barney Frank is actually discussing today, they called for term limits and campaign finance reform, for enforcement of the constitution and an end to the massive spending programs. I liked the fact that they attacked Bush as well as Pelosi/Reid/Obama for infringing on our constitutional rights and did not use any political language whatsoever. Many democrats were in attendance but obviously the tone was of a more conservative nature. Overall it was pretty good but not eyeopenning or anything, just a a peaceful and civilized demonstration of dissatisfaction with the way things are going. Several of our local officials were in attendance including democrats, Obama was invited but failed to respond, and Rahm sent an email with a tracking cookie.