I should have ridden ATGATT today


Booth Babe
Aug 13, 2012
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Sydney, Australia
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Didn't ride ATGATT today cause it was so nice out and paid the price. Having sleeves would have really saved me some pain and swelling on my left forearm. Picture below.


Seriously, that wasp hurt - kinda hard to see where the stinger went in and you have to squint to see the swelling.
Better than a crash, but still sucks. Learn your lesson.. ATGATT before you swing your leg over the bike! Every time.
I was ATGATT but still got stung/bit by a yellow jacket on the underside of my left wrist

Ouch! Do you have gloves with long gantlet? I have a lot of overlap (probably good 3" of glove over the jacket), but I suppose a bee could still make its way in there.
The local mosquito control dep't regularly issues its advisories to wear long sleeve shirts and long pants outside---no matter if it's in the middle of scorching hot summer afternoon/evening. Safety gone amok. ATGATT? No thank you!
I expected more based on the title as well. Glad it was only a sting!

Buggies can get you no matter what though. Even fully geared, I got stung by a bee on the only square inch of my body that was exposed!
I had a bee flying into my sleeve a couple of weeks ago, didnt have to squint or anything to see the huge bump on my arm that was caused by the bastard.
If I hadn't put on my jacket it probably wouldn't have stung me at all.
Wasps can sting multiple times, a bee just once, so be happy the wasp didnt end up in a sleeve where it could panick and go into a stinging frenzy :BLAA:
I got nailed by a bumble bee on that way home one night, I saw his marble sized ass coming at me thought it was a rock until it stung my neck. I've heard wasps and horets are the worst pain but I can tell you honey bee's hurt waaaaaaaaaay more than bumble bees. Almost had one of them fly up my helmet last week damn it was scary.
Update - Karma checked in already. I think I got two stings, based on the way it looks now, one and then it stung again and got stuck and the stinger broke off in my arm, not sure how that happened, all I do know is that it went from a tiny raised welt the day it happened to my whole arm being swollen and slightly discolored. My Arm feels puffy and itches like crazy - plus I have the equivalent of cankles(calf-ankles for those who don't know the lingo) on my wrist right now.

Yeah - the jury is still out on what got me, could have been a yellow jacket, wasp, hornet, not sure yet.
Update - Karma checked in already. I think I got two stings, based on the way it looks now, one and then it stung again and got stuck and the stinger broke off in my arm, not sure how that happened, all I do know is that it went from a tiny raised welt the day it happened to my whole arm being swollen and slightly discolored. My Arm feels puffy and itches like crazy - plus I have the equivalent of cankles(calf-ankles for those who don't know the lingo) on my wrist right now.

Yeah - the jury is still out on what got me, could have been a yellow jacket, wasp, hornet, not sure yet.

Sounds like a Yellow Jacket sting. I got stung near my ankles twice this year while mowing the lawn. (They nest underground.) Sting, then swells up the next day, itchy. Cortizone cream for the itchiness. Benedryl for the swelling. It will run its course in 4-5 days. Still have a little bump from the last one that is slowly fading.
(They nest underground.)

Guess we need an entymologist to chime in. I thought they built hanging, globe-shaped nests:


...and just a couple years before that I thought these "mud dauber" wasps were yellowjackets:


...but my "Googlez Imagez" search also pulled up the ground pounders:


I'm guessing they're all separate species, but no idea of any of their "proper" names... :confused: