i scratched my whole bike using this!

Boy, this forum is tough! Some of you guys are brutal.

But, this just might be worth making it a sticky.

It's a Classic.
Wow man, that sucks!!

They will come out though, you can even wet sand the clear coat with 1000 grit sandpaper if you need to. Well maybe let a pro handle it, but they will come out. OR its a perfect time to get some red scuff pad for pre painting, and paint that baby.
Lots of good ideas here, but given the severity, I'd find a good professional detailer. Ask a high end car dealer (Porsche, Ferrari, BMW, etc.) for a recommendation.
3m makes a disc than can deffinately get the scratches out of your headlights
maybe even your plastic parts too... let me know and i will get you the info i think its called p3000 or so
I feel for you dude...and oh yeah, if it starts running abit rough, stay AWAY from any NOS fuel additive/energy drink..;)
Not good, hard lesson to learn, here in oz green harsh blue non scratch, i only use blue ones on my non stick pans. There has been a lot of good try fix's its up to you to try each and see which works. The 3m kit, we use to use on clear coat blemesh's when something non harsh was needed.
Plexus and newspaper or a 100 cotton cloth

i would try to replace the plastic around headlights but this stuff will help leave it sit on there and film but not dry and next time hot warm and clean more often good luck man . if this is a 2008 i got a stock windscreen with a small scratch near bottom you can have for $20.00