I nominate myself!!!

no worries the bike is okay!!! just a scratch on the front wheel caused by a recklessly out of control Helicopter Rotor Blade. who'd a thought that laminate covered balsa wood could scratch power coating?
I leave for 4 hours and come home to this........yes I had to read it, he didn't tell me.
that poor bike, getting beat up by a tiny little helicopter like that... and you just stood by and watched...
Despite razer sharp teeth, I'm sure Steve Irwin would have dove in and saved his powder coated wheel from the razer sharp jaws of a croc. I'm surprised you didn't go in after a tiny little balsa wood chopper. :D J/K! and sorry to hear about that.
no worries the bike is okay!!! just a scratch on the front wheel caused by a recklessly out of control Helicopter Rotor Blade. who'd a thought that laminate covered balsa wood could scratch power coating?
Mate you got proper rumbled....
How do you make your rep power super special like that, its like night ride (but green)?

because I'm super special :D

honestly, I really don't know. The other day I added to someone's rep and at first they 3, but then it went to 953....:confused: oops....thread jacking