I may or may not have put Bose speakers in my helmet...


Feb 13, 2011
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Tempe, AZ, USA
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I've been really hating the earbuds I ride with lately. They are a pain to put in because the helmet just rips them out, they hurt my ears, and they cut in and out more than a shank in a prison cell block.

I looked into new earbuds and helmet speakers, but that would more than likely put me in the same position as well as cost me money. Well, to make a short story shorter I had a few beers and decided that the speakers in my Bose headphones would be better suited fixed to the inside of my helmet. So this happened...

I threw caution to the wind and began by, not so gracefully, dismembering my headphones. There were pliers, and scissors, and whining, and brute man-strength involved.


I decided I would keep the ear pads and covers for extra sound isolation, and shoved the rest of the crap in the bin.


Then I carved out some space for the speakers in the foam over the ears. I was lucky enough to buy a helmet that doesn't have spaces already [/sarcasm], so I got to spend a few hours stabbing stuff with sharper stuff while watching terrible movies and not paying nearly enough attention to what I was doing.

After I was done furiously stabbing foam, I broke out the hot glue gun and proceeded to burn my fingers as a result of the aforementioned lack of attention. I also secured the speakers in place as a welcome side-effect. That was nice.


After that was done we had words... I took up cursing at the helmet until it put itself back together properly, and after being thoroughly shamed it did as it was told.



Once everything was finished I proceeded to put on the helmet and chase Tim the Dog around the house to the lovely sounds of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony at 5:30 in the AM. Luckily for him, he enjoys this type of rigorous activity, otherwise I would've had to have words with him as well. I don't like a dog who can't take a joke.


I have no documentation for said shenanigans, but here lies proof of Tim the Dog's existence.


Hope this inspires a few people to do something different, though maybe not in quite such a strange way... :rockon:
Funny! It looks like your helmet lends itself to this mod in that the ear sections look separate from the rest of the helmets EPS liner. Now how is the sound? :)
You could have saved all that trouble and gotten yourself a set from Uclear. Stereo headset speakers and microphone activated through Bluetooth. The microphone is wireless, so no microphone boom. If your phone rings, you just say "Hello" and begin your conversation. The sound is better than holding your phone up to your ears. The sound for music is okay, not the near Bose quality but works. Performance lacks as you get up to freeway speeds. I wish it was a bit louder. I guess it will also depend on how loud or quiet your helmet is rated.

Motorcycle communication systems | UClear | 1-855-BIT-WAVE

Very cool but take care with your ears.

Otherwise, in a few years you might hand your helmet to a friend, "can you tell me if this is too loud to you?" Your friend: Holy s..::eek:
All great stories/ideas start with such a phrase.Blah

That is all too true...

Funny! It looks like your helmet lends itself to this mod in that the ear sections look separate from the rest of the helmets EPS liner. Now how is the sound? :)

That was the only nice part about it. It would've been a real pain if they didn't.

The sound is amazing!

:thumbup: Nice woofer! ;)

Haha, Thanks! He's the best dog ever.

You could have saved all that trouble and gotten yourself a set from Uclear. Stereo headset speakers and microphone activated through Bluetooth. The microphone is wireless, so no microphone boom. If your phone rings, you just say "Hello" and begin your conversation. The sound is better than holding your phone up to your ears. The sound for music is okay, not the near Bose quality but works. Performance lacks as you get up to freeway speeds. I wish it was a bit louder. I guess it will also depend on how loud or quiet your helmet is rated.

Motorcycle communication systems | UClear | 1-855-BIT-WAVE

Yeah, I've seen those, but I can't really spend any money on extra things at the moment. I'd also decided against those because my helmet is really loud, unfortunately. Using the Bose speakers saved me the money, the pads act as sound isolators, and the sound quality is just insane. I cut a circular hole straight through the back of the foam pieces and it's like the speakers are using the helmet itself to increase bass response. Haha

I haven't used those headphones in years anyway. They were just collecting dust. At least this way they'll be used.

You could have saved all that trouble and gotten yourself a set from Uclear. Stereo headset speakers and microphone activated through Bluetooth. The microphone is wireless, so no microphone boom. If your phone rings, you just say "Hello" and begin your conversation. The sound is better than holding your phone up to your ears. The sound for music is okay, not the near Bose quality but works. Performance lacks as you get up to freeway speeds. I wish it was a bit louder. I guess it will also depend on how loud or quiet your helmet is rated.

Motorcycle communication systems | UClear | 1-855-BIT-WAVE


I'm glad he didn't! That post is one of the best I've seen in a while.
Good job! Love your helmet mod. Too bad u didn't have the Bose noise canceling headphones instead. They are amazing at removing most background and I always wondered how that would have worked on a helmet, but I'm not ripping my set of headphones to try that :p
I'm just amazed how many companies who's product are sold just by their name recognition because of their great quality but have failed or don't attempt tp enter the motorcycle market. An untapped resource in my opinion. Helmet speakers would be one, and Oakley for motorcycle specific eyewear or even aftermarket visors. They could even start producing helmets. Look how diversified Nike has become. They just don't sell shoes. They make golf clubs, etc. If these companies have attempted, it failed because of poor marketing or design. Designed by a non rider or a rider with limited experience or not enough saddle time to know any better.
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Good job! Love your helmet mod. Too bad u didn't have the Bose noise canceling headphones instead. They are amazing at removing most background and I always wondered how that would have worked on a helmet, but I'm not ripping my set of headphones to try that :p

Oh, man, that would be awesome. WAY more involved though. I just happen to have gotten these for free from an old job six years ago and haven't used them in about 4, so I had no problems hacking them up. If they broke I could go on not using them. haha

Love it!

"threw caution to the wind" is the key. :thumbup:

Well...after a few beers it was more like:

Had caution in hand. Dropped it. Too lazy to pick it up, so either the wind blew it away, or Tim the Dog picked it up and chewed on it for the duration of the night.

I dunno, I didn't check. I was too busy giving precisely zero of these... :Flip:


I'm just amazed how many companies who's product are sold just by their name recognition because of their great quality but have failed or don't attempt tp enter the motorcycle market. An untapped resource in my opinion. Helmet speakers would be one, and Oakley for motorcycle specific eyewear or even aftermarket visors. They could even start producing helmets. Look how diversified Nike has become. They just don't sell shoes. They make golf clubs, etc. If these companies have attempted, it failed because of poor marketing or design. Designed by a non rider or a rider with limited experience or not enough saddle time to know any better.

I agree. There are so many great ideas that no company has really jumped on. It would be amazing if they started doing that kind of stuff. Although, if they did the products would probably be so expensive I wouldn't buy them in the first place... That always sucks.

Thanks for the kind words, guys!