I just won an I Pad!

If it's a 3g model, you can get the internet access for $30 bucks a month. If it's just the wifi version, then you can only access the internet over a wifi connection...so it'll only work where there is wireless internet. My sister-in-law won the wifi only version at prom...it's pretty cool for what it is. I wouldn't buy one tho, I already have an iphone and a mac laptop so I would really have no use for it.
OK, so I had my employer pick up a couple of iPads, since we'll need to start supporting them anyway, and should learn them. I'm playing with this one now, and it looks like MotoGP.com now is publishing videos in HTML5. I'm able to use my video subscription and watch the races. This is a big plus!
Cool prize Kenny.

My daughter is nagging me for one, I don't see the point though. I got her a great laptop 6 months ago, and she's just upgraded to an iPhone too.

Have fun with the new toy, hope you can get a decent data plan for it. Love the iPhone for general browsing, I get about 750MB a month with my phone plan, so I now browse from work when I'm bored.
Tapatalk works really well for iPhone/iPad, and it's a cheap app.

Well I don't own an I phone so then the I Pad will be a plus. Seem that there is a lot of overlap between the I phone and I pad.
The iPad is basicaly a huge iPhone without the "phone" and a bit more processor power. I don't know anyone who's got one down here yet. Would like to have a close look and play.

We only got the iPhone 4 released in Oz yesterday.. Bit behind the times :rof:

there is some overlap but they are not the same product. some people want to say it's an overgrown iphone but they aren't. you can have pages and numbers (think word and excel) for the ipad so you could type up stuff if needed. not so on the iphone. the ipad gives you access to the apple bookstore. a nice thing is if there is something you like in a book from the book store, you can highlight it and send it to a pages file to work on later. there are many things you can do on the ipad that the iphone won't be able to do for a while. are there overlaps? yep. they're made by the same company. why completely reinvent the wheel when you can take something you already have and build off of it? my iphone and macbook pro both have ical and mail. but they aren't the same product.

i know that thought is all over the place. i'm typing in a hurry so i'm sorry if it's not the most thought out reasoning you've ever read.
Congrats! I bought one when they first came out an absolutely love mine. I don't have the 3G version but didn't want or need it. I hardly use my laptop any more!