I joined the club today :(


Junior Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Loganville, GA
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I joined the club today..... I dropped my bike. I honestly didn't think it would ever happen. I say this not because I'm this awesome rider or have some sort of magical powers. I don't think my ego is too big but yes, I probably have one but I personally think it's more confidence than anything.

It happened towards the end of a ride up in the North GA mountains. It happened really quick but thank God I wasn't going fast at all. I was in a really tight turn and I think I hit some gravel. I quickly went vertical and started braking. I barely hit the shoulder of the road but of course there was more gravel. I thought I was going to save it but my rear tire washed out. I did not lock my brakes up or at least it didn't feel like it.

The good part, I was not hurt at all and my bike had very minor damage. The left part of the crankcase was scratched up pretty good and the left frame slider looks almost perfect.

The worst part, is just knowing I dropped my bike. I was going so slow it's almost not worth counting. However, I incurred a little damage so I guess it counts huh???

What did I learn? My bike is probably worth less and I think it's time to sign up for an Advanced Riding Course.

I will snap some pictures early next week. After riding most of the day, I came home, jumped in the shower, then drove 6 hours (cager) to Destin FL for 2 night get away with my wife. Can you say long day, boys and girls??? I'm a traveling machine, what can I say?
Same thing happened to me 3 weeks ago. :(

In short, going to lil fast for turn, saw gravel at edge, did'nt want to lean bike more, straightened it & hit curb, highsided, bike landed on grass. So not much damage, just the plastic "inner panel 2" ($30) broke & crankcase scratched up ($55) pretty bad.

Was wearing full gear so just have a sprained left elbow.

Moral of story: Gravel SUCKS and just take turns slow ;)
Hey, glad you're ok.

So the left slider is in good condition but the crankcase got scratched? -- I was hoping the other way around. So did the sliders do their job or not?

Is it easy to touch up paint the crankcase? scratches will never go away but if you can paint them same color as they used to be, no one will notice unless you look.

The crankcase always gets scratched because it sticks out so far. The only fix for that is a crash cage. I keep my old crankcase cover on my desk as a memento. :D

On the black crankcase, find an extra permanent sharpie.
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Ahhh that sucks, but at least it was only minor and your ok!
Gotta watch for that gravel, its a real killer!

I had a small 'incident' when I first started riding similar to this and got a small tattoo on my shoulder as a reminder that being overconfident can be very dangerous on a bike. (not that I'm encouraging tattoos unless your into them :p)
Glad your ok but the frame slider didn't protect the crank case? That's odd, thats the main purpose for them.
It happens, but the important thing is your Ok. My neighbor totaled his Harley V-Rod only 2 months after getting it on that gravel same area. He has a another one now and I'm sure he is glad he had full coverage insurance. He scraped his arms up and was sore for a few days but now he is Ok. Gravel Sucks period. Enjoy the rest and maybe we can hook up when you get back and go riding again.
Glad to hear you're alright. Where were you riding? 129, Blood Mountain, Helen area?

We had taken 348 from Helen and picked up 180 all the way over to TWO. Then we headed back across 180 and turn right to head south on 129. Finally, we turned right on 19 and were headed towards Dahlonega when he "tipped over".
Glad you're OK.
Too bad the frame slider didn't take more of the brunt. When you order some frame sliders they come with one longer one and one shorter, I believe you are supposed to put the longer one on the left side to help give the crankcase a bit more protection. ( of course I learned this after I put mine on and haven't taken the time to reverse mine).

I had a similiar slide on sand in a blind corner. Luckily I slid on the right side and the frame slider took all of the damage. Personally I ened up with road rash from the inside of my jeans and jacket on the knees and forearm. No flesh ever hit the road. It's all healed now ( 3 weeks later), but I find myself reluctant to push hard into corners. Have to work on rebuilding the confidence.
What did I learn? My bike is probably worth less and I think it's time to sign up for an Advanced Riding Course.

Sounds like you did everything right, Why do you feel you need an advanced riding course? Dont get me wrong, TAKE the course. I just think you handled the whole thing pretty well and wouldnt want you to start doubting your skills.:rockon:
Why do you feel you need an advanced riding course? Dont get me wrong, TAKE the course. I just think you handled the whole thing pretty well and wouldn't want you to start doubting your skills.:rockon:

I feel that an advanced riding course will further my education and help me be a better rider.

I'm going to snap some pics later today.

I'm pretty sure the left frame slider hit the grass and the left part of the crank case must have hit gravel. It was not on a level surface by any means either.