I high fived a penguin


Hummingbird slayer.
May 30, 2007
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Louisville, KY
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Not motorcycle related in the least, I just wanted to show off how awesome I am! A couple weeks ago the girlfriend and I went up to Newport Aquarium, outside of Cincinnati. They have this deal where you pay $25 and get to spend a half hour in a room full of penguins. It was totally worth it.
Great photo :thumbup: I love penguins (I saw many types in the Falklands) they are great, especially the rock hoppers, they were really inquisitive, and would follow you around eyeing you up and down in a very comical way. The gentoos would first of all drop to their bellies to make a quick gettaway, and then it would take a while to realise they were not on ice but on sand or grass and that this tactic would not work, so they would clumsily get back on their feet and waddle off.:D
Yeah, it was really neat. I'm a big penguin fan myself so it was an amazing present from my lady friend. The time goes by really quick though. and you have to remain seated the whole time, which is understandable when you consider the size difference. But the biologist did a good job and herded them around so everyone got to spend some time petting them. They were African black footed penguins which come from a warmer climate, so it wasn't actually cold inside the room. I would say it was a humid 60ish. The penguins loved anything shiny or moving, they were constantly going after my watch and shoe laces.

More pics below -
Ohhhh a penguin...how cute... ohhhhh... I have high fived an elephant before in Europe, in a Circuis...That elephant got on his back legs, I felt like a little mouse compared to him/her and gave a high five...that was cool. Penguins, thats cool too...Nice.
Not motorcycle related in the least, I just wanted to show off how awesome I am! A couple weeks ago the girlfriend and I went up to Newport Aquarium, outside of Cincinnati. They have this deal where you pay $25 and get to spend a half hour in a room full of penguins. It was totally worth it.
Our lentil eating eco friendly rider is da man.

Nice one Shaggy,

I'm headed to the arctic on the 14th for a week with work. I'll be working with the Inuit and Canadian rangers and I'll be doing what they do in their daily lives, so hunting, building and staying in Igloos, dog sledding, all of that.
I'll be sure to have alot of pics, and I'll see about high fiving a polar bear lol.
Thanks to all the Canadians for paying your taxes, I have a great friggin job!
sort of sticking to the subject..i visited a turtle zoo in Grand Camen with my familly only to find out it wasnt a zoo at all it was a farm..poor things
shaggystyle said:
They have this deal where you pay $25 and get to spend a half hour in a room, it was an amazing present from my lady friend. The time goes by really quick though. and you have to remain seated the whole time

There are many places round here like that, but my lady friend would never pay for me. :spank:
Nice pics Shaggy :thumbup: , sounds like you had a great time.....Ive high fived a dolphin and still rave about it to this day :D......BTW they are famous penguins because i saw them in the movie Billy Maddison :rof: