I hate Pedestrians

I don't think you guys are keeping the right perspective here. Nelly did maintain control of his bike and did manage to stop before hitting the pedestrian. He did all of the things you are claiming he did not.

What you are failing to see is that the pedestrian jay-walked which is illegal in its own right. Not only did he jay-walk, but he didn't even bother to look to see if a vehicle was coming, had headphones in preventing him from hearing danger coming, and then was a punk about the whole thing. I think Nelly is fully in his right to beat the living crap out of this guy for being a doush-nozzle.

Both of you guys (SidewallPuncture & BKKFZ6) are new around here and I welcome you to the forum. I'm glad we have a constant influx of new guys here to both learn from the veterans, and to teach with your own knowledge. With that, keep in mind most of us on this forum have been riding for a very long time and are very experienced riders. This includes Nelly and I suggest you show him some respect, he deserves it. I doubt most people on two wheels would have been able to make the stop that he did in this instance.

been riding a long time too dude, but it didn't take me long in here to spot a few less than stellar individuals who complain for the sake of complaining.
respect is earned, not a given if I'm not mistaken.
If he's already earned yours great, I'll let you know when he's earned mine.
been riding a long time too dude, but it didn't take me long in here to spot a few less than stellar individuals who complain for the sake of complaining.
respect is earned, not a given if I'm not mistaken.
If he's already earned yours great, I'll let you know when he's earned mine.

That's an awfully glass-half-empty way to think about life.

I agree a lot people just complain for the sake of complaining and fail to take ownership of their own mistakes. This is in part why I believe there are so many frivolous law suites in America. What I don't agree with is to assume that everyone is complaining for no reason. I prefer to treat everyone with respect until they show me a reason to not respect them (ie: the Golden Rule).
been riding a long time too dude, but it didn't take me long in here to spot a few less than stellar individuals who complain for the sake of complaining.
respect is earned, not a given if I'm not mistaken.
If he's already earned yours great, I'll let you know when he's earned mine.

Who do you think you are? Gunnery Sergeant Hartman? What is your major malfunction, numbnuts? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?
Where I come from the law is clear, \\"Operators of motor vehicles must maintain control of their vehicles at all times.\\" In wintertime, cars go sliding on ice and rear end other cars or sliding into intersections and get sideswiped. This is the drivers fault. Why? Because they fail to adjust their driving to the road conditions and the loose control of their vehicle.

So... You SAW the pedestrian. You KNEW that the conditions were slippery. You saw that the pedestrian would not hear your auditory warnings. And you almost ran the guy down. He has every right to be pissed at you.

Your responsibility for road safety does not end at your own hide. It extends to all those that share the road with you. Including little old ladies, kids kicking balls and i-pod-Deaf pedestrians. A wise driver is AWARE of their environment, a defensive driver ANTICIPATES danger. A responsible driver keeps their vehicle under control.

It sounds to me like you expect the world to stand still and clear a path for you to drive through it. Get a grip! You should know darn well that 99% of pedestrians, like 99% of car drivers, know squat about the dynamics of driving a motor bike. But YOU do! You know what it takes to stop your bike in those conditions. So back up a bit and think a little about your situation and ask yourself who's at fault here. Did you take all safety precautions to protect not only you, but all those around you?

In the final analysis, you had a near miss. It is good that you managed to control your vehicle to avoid an accident. Learn from this and further hone your skills. Now you know for a fact that idiots standing at the side of the street, staring at the other side have a high probability of wanting to cross. They assume that they can do so safely, and they are often oblivious to the dangers around them. Do not make the same mistake as they do, be tuned to the dangers, stay sharp and make the necessary adjustments to your diving to preserve the safety of all who share the streets with you.
Thanks for your response,
I appreciate that you may have a different view to me on this.
If I had not been riding to the conditions I would have hit him, let alone had time to give him a Vegas.
My front wheel slipped as the road was wet and as stated the buses slop diesel all over the place.
I certainly do not ride with a view that I own the road.
I appreciate the first part of your post. Which states that drivers have a responsibility to maintain safety.
I hope you are not confronted by a similar experience.

Good luck

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been riding a long time too dude, but it didn't take me long in here to spot a few less than stellar individuals who complain for the sake of complaining.
respect is earned, not a given if I'm not mistaken.
If he's already earned yours great, I'll let you know when he's earned mine.
You have lost me slightly? what else have I actually posted in order to come across as someone who complains just for the sake of it?
I don't need your respect my friend, I think you need to show some respect to yourself first. If I have genuinely done something to offend you PM me and we can resolve it.

This is called entrapment and is illegal. If I found out the pedestrian was a cop, I'd get a lawyer and sue them for it.

Wrong or right...it's not entrapment.

I agree a lot people just complain for the sake of complaining and fail to take ownership of their own mistakes. This is in part why I believe there are so many frivolous law suites in America.

It always amazes me that people trust everyone to stop
It also amazes me that cages/bikes trust every pedestrian to stay where they are.:confused:

Doesn't seem that complicated to me :don'tknow:

I drive/ride/walk like the total stranger coming toward me (again driving/riding/walking) isn't paying attention enough to know I'm there. I'm just saying it's surprising to me that so many people trust that stranger isn't talking on the phone, changing a CD, dealing with jr., listening to an iPod or whatever instead of watching what's happening around them. I'm also not suggesting pedestrians don't have the right of way in most cases, just that it worth being cautious no matter which side of the situation you're on.
Thanks for your response,
I appreciate that you may have a different view to me on this.
If I had not been riding to the conditions I would have hit him, let alone had time to give him a Vegas.
My front wheel slipped as the road was wet and as stated the busses slop diesel all over the place.
I certainly do not ride with a view that I own the road.
I appreciate the first part of your post. Which states that drivers have a responsibility to maintain safety.
I hope you are not confronted by a similar experience.

Good luck


Nelly, hats off to you, your response is both clarifying and polite. I read some other comments, and appreciate that I may not have given enough credit. Yes you did keep control of your bike and you did avoid an accident.

I have a hard time swallowing that the correct reaction to pedestrians that don't behave the way we would like them to is to "head butt with your helmet on" as advocated by by dako81. While it natural to be angry with those that put you and themselves in danger. I would think the best we can to is a little introspection to see if there is a way we avoid the situation in the future. After all, we can change our own behaviors (only if your think you should ;) ), we cannot change other's behaviors.

Be alert, be safe!:D
Nelly, hats off to you, your response is both clarifying and polite. I read some other comments, and appreciate that I may not have given enough credit. Yes you did keep control of your bike and you did avoid an accident.

I have a hard time swallowing that the correct reaction to pedestrians that don't behave the way we would like them to is to \\"head butt with your helmet on\\" as advocated by by dako81. While it natural to be angry with those that put you and themselves in danger. I would think the best we can to is a little introspection to see if there is a way we avoid the situation in the future. After all, we can change our own behaviors (only if your think you should ;) ), we cannot change other's behaviors.

Be alert, be safe!:D
Be alert, be safe, that was what I was trying to achieve and indeed the way I try to ride.
I think that my post highlights that even if someone eyeballs you. It doesn't actually mean they have seen you.
Just be aware of pedestrians who are wearing earphones and are in a hurry.
I am not generally a man of anger or violence and perhaps the title of my thread should have been "Darwin award avoided" or "watch out for pedestrians". I did post it about 5 minutes after removing my helmet.

In fact I actually love some pedestrians, especially the ones of the female kind. That when they get that first whiff of summer seem to get most of their kit off.
No offense taken by any of the posts.

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Who do you think you are? Gunnery Sergeant Hartman? What is your major malfunction, numbnuts? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?

if my views differ from your's, does that warrant your quoting of a movie line to get your point across?
I have my opinion, you have yours. nuff said.
That's an awfully glass-half-empty way to think about life.

I agree a lot people just complain for the sake of complaining and fail to take ownership of their own mistakes. This is in part why I believe there are so many frivolous law suites in America. What I don't agree with is to assume that everyone is complaining for no reason. I prefer to treat everyone with respect until they show me a reason to not respect them (ie: the Golden Rule).

half full or half empty....pointless argument as the end result is the same.
You have lost me slightly? what else have I actually posted in order to come across as someone who complains just for the sake of it?
I don't need your respect my friend, I think you need to show some respect to yourself first. If I have genuinely done something to offend you PM me and we can resolve it.


did i specify you as one of them? no....don't believe I did.
It always amazes me that people trust everyone to stop

Doesn't seem that complicated to me :don'tknow:

I drive/ride/walk like the total stranger coming toward me (again driving/riding/walking) isn't paying attention enough to know I'm there. I'm just saying it's surprising to me that so many people trust that stranger isn't talking on the phone, changing a CD, dealing with jr., listening to an iPod or whatever instead of watching what's happening around them. I'm also not suggesting pedestrians don't have the right of way in most cases, just that it worth being cautious no matter which side of the situation you're on.

I agree with you on that.
wow some $h!t talking going on here..

glad you and the bike are ok nelly. I agree that there are some idiots out there that just dont realize that they need to look both ways befor crssing the street. something seems to be moving toward you, chances are you shouldn't leave the curb bounding for gloory.

You would think that in that instance you would not be at fault for hitting them. Even around here (ct, usa) people just start crossing the street, no crosswalk, no looks, and get all animated when they realize that you almost hit them for their own stupidity. I really love the ones that walk across a super busy street with just the haind raised to tell you to stop. Amazing what a pedestrian can get away with. I agree that people need to take more personal responsibility.

maybe would could put a disclaimer and street corners "if you cross the street when your not supposed to and you get hit, you are a moron and you deserve what you get."
i'm not picking sides here, but i think the pedestrian did not fulfill his duty as a pedestrian (he has responsibilities too) It all goes back to "only the strong survive" or in this case "only the smart survive" Self preservation....i see a bike/car/truck coming....i don't step out in the road...:spank:
if my views differ from your's, does that warrant your quoting of a movie line to get your point across?
I have my opinion, you have yours. nuff said.

Nelly gave us all the benefit of some experience and wisdom which in the end helps everyone. You may have your opinion but in the process don't go belittling people. He's been very modest and forgiving but I'm not in the mood for that. You've been inflammatry and started banging on about respect like some rapper. Nelly handled a situation well and saved some d!ckhead, and himself, from serious injury. That in itself deserves 'respect'. We all ride assuming all other road users and pedestrians are going to do something silly but if we assume every knobhead on the pavement is going to leap out in front of us we would never take to the roads. You've got to assume other people have a modicum of common sense all the while preparing for those who haven't.

Ultimately, if someone jumps out in front of you (by you I mean you, me, everyone) it's only those with the ability and skill who are able to save the situation and if they don't - the pedestrian gets squished.
half full or half empty....pointless argument as the end result is the same.

You missed the point of that phrase. Obviously the glass is still the same either way. It's all about perspective. You either see things positively or negatively. Personally, I like to see things in a positive light, but you are making it very difficult for me to do so in your case. You speak of the need to earn respect and not be given respect, yet you do nothing but talk trash on people's posts which continues to cause you to lose respect from those around you, especially me. Just because you may not respect someone does not entitle you to disrespect someone.:rolleyes:
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The glass isn't half full OR half empty. It's twice as big as it needs to be. :D