I had an accident with My little SIS


Junior Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Modesto/San jose Ca USA
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yes guys it happened to me, I am very mad at myself because it happened with my 17 year old lilttle Sister :( . She is kinda ok but i think she has suffer a concussion. we just got back from the hospital and we both got checked up and they said we are ok, no broken bones just minor road rash, so now i am here typing this, she is sleeping at home mom and family are taking care of her. i don't know if i should post all the details on how it happened as i never got a chance to talk to a CHP and we left in the ambulance right after "school me please"

I am ok for the most part my hand is swollen and some minor road rash, i am still worried about her even tho they say she is ok, she still cant walk because of pain on her hip area. i was scared and hurting at the same time because we highsided and hit the ground hard.i felt so much pain that i knew she was going to be hurt, we landed right next to each other on the oncoming lane.

As soon as i was at a complete stop i turn my head to find her next to me with her eyes open but not responsive, my heart sank to the ground like never before, and oncoming car stopped and helped us, i knew not to get up so i kind of dragged my self to her, after the longest 5-10 seconds off my life she comes to life and starts to cry of pain. me and a couple try to keep her from getting up and moving around untll help arrived. As this is going on i notice that my breathing is not getting any better so i try to calm myself down, it actually helped. now the ambulance is here and they start ordering an air lift, this scares me even more, shortly after that paramedic cancels the air lift, so i feel a little bit of relief, and then we went to the hospital and found out we are ok for the most part
What a relief to hear both of you are ok! Please keep us posted as to you and your sisters recovery.:thumbup:
Im sorry to hear that but at least y'all are still alive but please keep us informed inalso ride my 16 yr old sister, I dont have any kids but id say shes the closest to kids ill prolly ever have...lol but if anything ever happened to her while riding I dont think I could ever forgive myself

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No accident is a good thing, if any positive thing can come out of it is after you can realize what happened and learn from it.

I'm glad to read both of you are OK.
Moses, I'm glad you and your sister are home from the hospital and relatively o.k. from the accident. Keep us posted on your recovery and get well soon, both of you. :thumbup:
People with a Possible concussion should not sleep! IIRC:confused: from my Red Cross course in the 5th grade,50 years ago.(passed, got my basic First Aid card) One of our Medical people please correct me if I,m wrong!:rockon:,,, Rich EDIT: Hope you all get well soon, My Granddaughter and Grandson(12&10 respectively) both ride with me, Little Richard is always wanting me to "GO Paw Paw GO, Lean Felix over!! I fear he's an adrenaline Junkie?
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Glad your sister and you are OK. Watching someone you love and not being able to do anything for them is an agonizing and helpless feeling. Wishing both of you a quick recovery.
Thank allyou guys for the support, I can't sleep right now, it just keeps running through my head. I just keep thinking how could I have avoided from happening. She don't remember talking to me,crying in pain or even talking to the firedep. All she remembers is being in the ambulance. By the way this is my fav Lil sister so it hurt to watch this unfold
Sorry to hear about this. You'll get through this. You and Sis heal up fast. Glad you're okay!
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Sorry to hear about it Moe. Thank God you both are OK. She will be OK dude, hang in there. Go see a doctor to follow up and of course the same for her especially.
hey glad your both ok , talk to each other about it, dont let it become something you don't acknowledge you both went thru it together.
People with a Possible concussion should not sleep! IIRC:confused: QUOTE]

This was taught a long while ago. It's not necessary to keep the patient awake ( sleep is very important to recovery). What you need to keep an eye on is how responsive they are when being woken up. In the ED depending on the severity of the Head injury the observations can be carried out from 15 minute to 30 minute intervals.
Signs of deterioration are, vomiting, becoming confused or combative, repetative questioning. these signs may indicate that the Head injury has worsened.
There questions to ask a person with a head injury are:
Where are you?
What time is it roughly (morning, lunchtime, evening)?
What happened?

Asking things like days of the week is not a great idea. Many people without a head injury don't know what day it is (me included):thumbup:.
The person should also be able to retain this information. A classic sign of a concussion is repeated questions asking for clarification on things you have already told the patient.
If in doubt seek expert help.

Moses I hope you and your Sis get better soon. I'm not sure what happened to cause the crash. Can you shed any light on it.

Like everyone says, glad there were no serious injuries.

Learn from what happened, so it can't happen again.

Hope you and your sister and fully recovered soon.
This hapened on hwy 132 I think right before cultureville. We had left early morning to reserv a campsite near Yosemity National park. She had been begging me for a while to take her on a bike ride again so she pretty much invided her self. It was a wide turn with speeds over 40mph. I never looked down to check my speed. It involved a pick up truck and an object. Like I said I would like to go into detail but not sure if I should yet. I am not sure who is at Fult yet. will see by Tuesday as that's when CHP office is open and I will find out what they decided in. And also where is my fz6
I'm guessing you either overpowered the rear or hit gravel while turning judging from that close shot of the road, you tried to get out of a lowside, turned into a highside.

Just glad you're both ok.
Scary post to read Moe. Very glad to hear that you and your sis are going to be okay. Damn that sucks. Hopefully the damage to the bike isn't horribly extensive.
