I feel like my left arm is shorter then my right


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2011
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San Diego
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When i had the fz i felt this way as well. When on the freeway i always felt like i had to reach much further to get the left grip then the right but it was straight bars. Now that i have adjustable clip ons i still feel the same way LOL.

I adjusted my left clip on to be about an inch more inward then the right and i still feel like it is farther away hahah. I dont know i measured my arms and they are the same length pretty much.

I know that my hand position is different on the right because im turning the throttle but i just think its funny :).

End rant.
are you a golfer?


So you're right handed and swing a heavy hammer, axe, or something that has you reaching with the right side!!?!

Just like I can flat foot touch an 8' ceiling with my right hand but have to really squeak every little bit out to lefty to make contact. A product of our environment. . .

So what do you do for fun and for a living if you don't mind sharing? It could all be about muscle tone and how limber you are.
Hahah great comments. I have my wallet in my front pocket when i ride. And for a living im a dj and a loan officer lol.

I didnt notice this problem with the stock clipons, probably because i was always supporting my weight with my wrists from the aggressive position.
Hahah great comments. I have my wallet in my front pocket when i ride. And for a living im a dj and a loan officer lol.

So, what hand do you primarily use for scratching? Do you play a lot of heavy metal or industrial music? And with what hand do you hand out the cash? ;-)

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