I did something today that I think I am going to regret....


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Mar 23, 2012
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Northern New Joizey
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I rode for a short time with my earbuds in and listened to tunes! It was amazing! Not too loud but certainly clear. I took a run down one of my favorite twisties ( Route 106 through Harriman State Park NY ). I was always skeptical about music while I ride but I found it relaxing (a problem?) but not too distracting.

I don't think I will do it much but it was much better than I thought.
Can't beat tunes and riding. I have different favorite songs in my helmet than I do elsewhere. I use a Cardo Scala unit with speakers, not earbuds. I'm not quite sure of the legality of it all . . .

I've ridden with music on many times. I find having it on is more important on long stretches of quiet boring roads. On twisty stuff, I'm entertained enough without it. Music can be a distraction, but I don't think it has to be.
I can't ride with earbuds, so I got the Sena SMH5.

Stereo, no wires to hook up, good sound, and lets me receive and make phone calls, lets me send and receive texts on the move (Windows Phone Baby!)

I can't imagine not having it now!

I remember riding over 1000mi (in a day!) a few times in the past, with no music, and it is SO boring and monotonous.

Now, it makes the time just seem to fly - you're there before you realise!

I can't imagine not having it now!

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I was using earbuds one downside was not being able to control it while riding. Just got sena smh5fm and its great (below highway speeds). Best part is the control. Have zumo and integrates great btwn phone→sena, phone→zumo and zumo→sena!

Actually one reason I got it was the group ride we went on lots of folks had it. One difference between sena 5 and 10 is 5 can only intercom w one other unit at a time 10 can conference.
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I'm a music freak, but more and more I don't even listen to it in the car! The only exception is during the summer in the convertible; I crank the Lawrence Welk at stoplights and the teen girls just melt! :rockon:
I have the Plugfones, on shorter rides (work and back) I just use ear plugs. Longer rides get music for sure!
I usually have earbuds on anything over 25 miles, but my new ones are too elaborate to stay in while I'm putting the helmet on.
I have Apple in Ear Headphones, they have some noise cancelling properties. When I have them seated right I can have the music on at a quarter volume hear it clearly, traffic noise is muted, my GP exhaust is not too loud and that's how I roll every day. I won't do it any other way. The only exception is if I'm listening for mechanical issues and will take the ear phones out.
In town I turn down the music but on the road let's rock. I use an I pod with wireless remote, custom molded earplugs to cut down on wind noise. I have playlists just for riding the twisties or 500 mile days.
I can't live without music so most of the time I have earbuds on while I'm riding. However, in the twisties It's kindda distracting me sometimes cos i enjoy the music a little more than riding. Music and Riding motorcycle goes together :)

When i don't listen to music i still put it on cos the wind noise is so loud on the FZ.

@callmegandhi: Why not a Harley?
Tunes is the only way to go. I have a Zune with 10,000 songs from all my CD's and put it on random play and away we go. Sucks when a Christmas song pops up in July but it's all good. Music sooths the soul. Great for long rides.