I am stupid, can I blame the credit crunch


FZ6 Naked Epiphany
Jan 29, 2008
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Today when I wanted to go for a spin on my black beauty, I cleaned my S1 helmet visor with the dishwashing liquid. Obviously this damages the anti fog insert, and it did. I was mighty pissed of with myself. Now I had to on ebay to find a replacement Pinlock anti fog insert.

I am just pissed of with my self. Maybe I can blame my slackness on the credit crunch as well.
Since you already messed it up, - why not try to treat it with "anti-fog" fluids?
You can get all sorts of "Rain-Off", "Anti-Fog" etc. products for car windows, - perhaps it would work?

I haven't had the courage to try it on my S1 or my R1 (both use the same Pinlock visor), but it would be nice to know if this could be a "cheap-fix".
No your helping everyone to come out of the credit crunch by actually spending some money.... you are a HERO

Well done, if only everyone was as slack as you we would be out of this mess pdq ;)
I did this to my old helmet. How do you actually clean the inside? Mine always get dirty, but I'm afraid to clean them.
sorry to hear about your shield, but it is an important lesson so that nobody else does it, also it is really bad to wash your car/bike with dish washing soap as well, it can actually break down the wax layer and make it easier to damage your clear coat.

I always clean my shield with the waterless motorcycle cleaner and a CLEAN microfiber cloth. Never use paper towels either as they are also fairly abrasive and can scratch it. I always have a microfiber cloth in a zip lock bag under my seat in case i need to clean my shield while on the road.
I use my fleece jacket sleeve when its cold and my tshirt in the summer... i figure i probably save as much not buying cleaners and nice cloths as i do replacing the shield... im not super careful because i know eventually i will screw it up no matter how careful and i will need to buy a new one anyway...

i figure a pin lock or two a year is par for the course... the shield maybe every two years
my pin lock arrived in the post yesterday and they didn't have the fitting instructions. so had to google.

thanks about cleaning using micro cloth I was used to using paper towel.
I use the cheap furniture polish from the dollar store and a piece of white cotton flannel to clean my faceshield. It is great for removing bugs and leaves a wax layer to keep the new ones from sticking.
Today when I wanted to go for a spin on my black beauty, I cleaned my S1 helmet visor with the dishwashing liquid. Obviously this damages the anti fog insert, and it did. I was mighty pissed of with myself. Now I had to on ebay to find a replacement Pinlock anti fog insert.

I am just pissed of with my self. Maybe I can blame my slackness on the credit crunch as well.

It's cool man, i'll make some calls and see if we can't get you bail out.