I am a Master of Chemistry!!


Running Moderator
Elite Member
Mar 9, 2008
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San Jose, California (GMT -8)
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Well, I have earned my Master's in Chemistry. It took a long time but I'm finally done. I gave a public seminar on my work in early October, passed my thesis defense last Friday, and got my thesis signed by my committee today. It is done done done.

Feels good to be done with school finally, but what to do with all my spare time? FZ6 mods perhaps???
Congrats Chem! :cheer::cheer::cheer:

Feels good after all the hard work pays off, I'm in the process of applying to grad schools myself.
That's awesome!!! Congrats :thumbup:

The thing I disliked most about school was the feeling that you could ALWAYS be doing more to get your monies worth. That is, anything other than studying limited the amount you could study...lol. Anyway, now you can do as you please!!!
Very nice, congratulations. That is a great feeling when it's finally DONE. Go hoist a few cold ones...but let someone else to the driving.
congrats!! now the american way--train some one how to make meth on their property. and take all the profits. keep yourself out of the law's eye.==joke

Congratulations man. Good on you!!!!
wow man that is a large large laaaaarge hurdle to overcome with a lot of work going into it over the years. now you start doing stuff for YOU....aka getting paaaaaid.....

congrats man. must feel oh so good to know it is clear sailing in terms of paying your dues educationally.
:cheer::cheer: Good job Travis!! :cheer::cheer:

Enjoy the time off to spend with your friends and family! I'm sure you have been missing that while getting your masters!! (and mods don't hurt either:D)