How To Install Two Bros Juice Box?


Damn Hooligan
Premium Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Anybody know where I can find a good "how-to" article on installing my two bros juice box? I just got mine in the mail and would like to install it tonight.

Any help is appreciated.
If anybody is interested in a "how to" on installing the Juice Box then I will gladly post a step by step pictures included how to.
+1000 Yes, it was a very simple mod and I'm very happy that I followed through and finished it. The only thing I am going to change is to mount it externally (when it warms up around here)

Now I'm just waiting to order my Two Bros exhaust.
ya, i got the box first also, getting the cans with tax money, but had a few bucks laying around to get the box now. :thumbup:... also i mounted mine under the tank but i think im going to move it under the gauges too, i talked to the guy about it when i ordered it in october, he said he tlaked to guys at 2bros personally and asked them if it would be alright and they said it would...
i think i will probably get a PCIII before an actual aftermarket exhaust... unless a deal comes for the exhaust first