How to install The2wheels levers on an FZ6


Old-School Member
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Pennsylvania
Well, I ordered a set of the cheap The2Wheels levers from eBay and mine didn't come with any bushing at all for the clutch lever. Seeing how other people have gotten these levers with incorrect bushings, I did the install today and decided to write up a how-to on the installation, including how to swap out the bushing from your stock clutch lever.

Here's the page that I created on my FZ6 site which details the entire process.
Installing cheap The2Wheels levers on an FZ6

Hopefully this will help others who decided to go with these levers.

The ability to truly adjust the length of pull. All the way close to the bar is like a lightswitch. It takes about a half an inch to pull it in, shifts are so fast that way. Almost feels like a quickshifter.

All the way out is a longer pull, but it makes the friction zone a bit longer too. I found a happy medium around 3 or 4 on the selector, but if I'm feeling really frisky, it's trivial to adjust it down all the way.

I don't remember what my brake was at. It was a cheap knock off of these cheap knock offs of pazazzo levers so... I guess I got my $15 worth out of it. :) The clutch side is still kickin' though. Now my brake only takes about 8-10° of pull to turn the brake lights on, so that's good.
I'm so glad you posted this. I've been having a little trouble shifting every once in a while, and haven't been able to figure out what it is. I have a sneaking suspicion that this might be the reason. I'll be checking tonight.
If you have the OEM clutch lever, make sure it's adjusted properly. That adjustment nut is to fix the slop. Not to adjust length of pull. I think the freeplay is only supposed to be 1-2mm.

And make sure you're not limp footing the shifter. Trying to quickshift is what gets a lot of people in trouble. The "pre-load" becomes the habit of how hard they shift. I would describe it best as a more gradual increase of force with your foot. The ending force should be the same as a normal shift, you just don't slam it there.
Had to swap the bush out on the set I had too. As I didn't have a vice, I used two sockets... one big enough for the bush to fit inside supporting the stock lever, and a smaller one to tap the bush out.

6,000 miles later and they are still going great!
Had to swap the bush out on the set I had too. As I didn't have a vice, I used two sockets... one big enough for the bush to fit inside supporting the stock lever, and a smaller one to tap the bush out.

6,000 miles later and they are still going great!

That's a good idea for somebody who doesn't have a vise! Thanks for sharing.
Took the clutch lever off the other night and it turns out you were right! The new ones had the incorrect bushing in them. I used the technique with the two sockets instead of the vice, and it's been buttery smooth since. Thanks, guys!!
Reviving kind of an old thread here, but wanted some input. I have a set of these levers as well. The bushing came out of my stock lever very easily, but it seems as if there's a bushing in the lever from the2wheels that is larger in inner diameter. The stock bushing will not fit into the new lever, but there is a lot of wiggle room when installed as is. I cannot seem to get the bushing out of the new lever (do not have a vice, so attempted the socket trick). Anyone else seeing this problem?
Reviving kind of an old thread here, but wanted some input. I have a set of these levers as well. The bushing came out of my stock lever very easily, but it seems as if there's a bushing in the lever from the2wheels that is larger in inner diameter. The stock bushing will not fit into the new lever, but there is a lot of wiggle room when installed as is. I cannot seem to get the bushing out of the new lever (do not have a vice, so attempted the socket trick). Anyone else seeing this problem?

Did you do the two socket trick like Jedi suggested?

On a hard, sturdy surface (like your garage floor), take a socket that's a good bit larger than the outer hole of the bushing and place it with the hole up.

Place the lever on top of this socket, with the bushing hole centered over the open socket hole.

Take another socket, which has an outside diameter that is smaller than the lever's outer bushing hole, and place it on top of the bushing.

Pound the heck out of the top socket with a hammer.

Lather, Rinse and Repeat. :)

Seriously, you just need to pound the inner bushing out, making sure there's room underneath for it to fall through.

Good luck!
Thanks jrevans - I really didn't get into it too much. I honestly wasn't sure if the small bushing in the the2wheels lever came out. I'll have to try it out this week when I get a chance to. I've been using it the way it is, there's just wiggle room in there that I would like to get rid of. Thanks :thumbup:
Just got them in today and installed them tonight. Took a whole 45 minutes and most of the time was finding tools and adjusting the settings once they were installed. Actual install time was probably 15 minutes max.

As soon as I got them how I wanted, I ran it down the street real quick (in shorts and a t-shirt:spank:). Overall it's definately worth the money, but my clutch is a little loose (up and down not front and back to where it affects functionality). I tried to tighten the little screw that connects the actual lever to the pivot piece (as I call it) but I don't have a socket to fit the nut on the bottom. It's like it is a 7.5mm (does that even exist?). Did anyone else have this problem and how did you fix it?

And thanks Jim for the great write-up. Would've taken a newb like me over an hour without it.

Sorry for the bad picture quality. Took it with my phone in my dimmly lit garage
Just got them in today and installed them tonight. Took a whole 45 minutes and most of the time was finding tools and adjusting the settings once they were installed. Actual install time was probably 15 minutes max.

Glad to hear that you got them installed without much trouble. I just went to the garage to look at that nut you were talking about on the lever. It's a locknut and yeah, the 8mm did seem a bit loose, while the 7mm didn't fit. I tried a 5/16" socket at it also seemed to fit loosely, so I don't know what's up with that. Glad mine isn't loose. :)

And thanks Jim for the great write-up. Would've taken a newb like me over an hour without it.

Glad that my write-up helped you. I like to do write-ups, but even though I usually always take pictures for them, I rarely get around to writing them.

Sorry for the bad picture quality. Took it with my phone in my dimmly lit garage

Did you get your levers engraved, or are those stickers that you put on there? I'm also curious how the coloring on the black levers will hold up.
Did you get your levers engraved, or are those stickers that you put on there? I'm also curious how the coloring on the black levers will hold up.

Laser engraved. It feels as though they engraved them and then did some type of clear coat because you really can't feel the texture on the engraving. I'll let you know how they hold up, but it appears they have them protected well and not being able to feel the texture will help with keeping dirt and grime from building up in the letters
I bought some of those, they have a flatter edge where your fingers touch and feel way better than stock levers when bearing down on them. :thumbup:

There were no bushings supplied and mine had no bushing issues but I drop the OEM bushings into the aftermarket levers.

What I did find is that tightening the bolt could bind the lever while leaving it floppy in that same axis. The OEM lever has no paint to wear off. This has paint/powder coat to wear and I suspect it will continue to loosen. From this I expect I'll be putting a very thin shim in the body at some point in time.

If these were anodized and met the OEM spec for thickness where the lever engages body they would hold their form better and wiggle less.

Time will tell about the color and UV impact to them. . .
I've ordered a pair of the short ones (hope I didn't make a mistake getting the shorties!)

I have a question, what is that notch on the levers?

I thought it might have been for the grip, but it looks like it's in the wrong place.

I've ordered a pair of the short ones (hope I didn't make a mistake getting the shorties!)

I have a question, what is that notch on the levers?

I thought it might have been for the grip, but it looks like it's in the wrong place.


I was normally against the shorties, but now I almost wish I got them. The clutch seems especially long and too close to the grip for some reason. Just may be me though, i don't know
With the stock levers, my little finger gets squashed up the end or the lever, so I was thinking the shorties might suit me better.

We'll see when they get here - and see if my fingers get fatigued in traffic, holding the clutch....
