How to install a new exhaust system


Junior Member
Mar 11, 2015
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Ok, maybe this is a stupid thread? I just bought a Delkevic exhaust system for my bike and delved straight into slapping that crap on for fear of having to listen to my sewing machine for one. more. day. Needless to say, there were no instructions with the new setup, so some thought was involved in putting it together. Maybe I'm just stupid, so this is for all the other stupids that would like to have a little more clear instructions for this crap.

Ok, so the first thing I did was obviously take the bike apart and get the exhaust out. Pretty self explanatory. Take off the seat, fairings, tail end, cover, fender and then for me it was easy to disconnect the exhaust pipe at the bottom by the headers and just pull the whole thing out. The exhaust shield will be useless for your new exhaust, so dont even try to save it. Get out a wrench and just pull out the exhaust in one chunk for god's sake. Why they put phillips screws on the exhaust is beyond me. Can you say seized?

Ok, now some other things come into play. At least for the delkevic exhaust system. It comes with a bracket to replace what was on the old exhaust to hold everything into place. What they don't tell you is that you will also need to reuse some old parts. Stupid moment #1. In the third photo there is the bracket that you will need to put back on the bike. It's clearly marked in the 5th photo with a white arrow. I reused the original bolts for it too. Duh. Now. The black bracket that is the replacement goes VERTICAL. It connects to both the fender and the tail, with the tab facing out toward the rear of the bike.

Once all of that is secured on, you can put the straps over the exhaust pipes. Which suck balls. Make sure your pipes are VERY secure, as they will twist and turn because the straps are so sticky. Secure the straps with the shorter bolts and nuts that come in the kit. The bent part of the strap should be touching the inside of the bracket, and the straight piece being on the outside.
At this point I started it up and checked for leaks. Tightened things up a bit more and put the rest of the bike together. I love the sound. A lot louder and meaner. Definitely lets people know that I'm coming which is part of the reason why I wanted to upgrade.

Overall very happy with this setup. The hardest part for me was getting it up on the centerstand, as I'm only 105lb! Sorry for the lack of photos/quality. I did not intend to do a diy but the absence of information on the internet led me to believe others might want some direction.
Excellent writeup, and great photos too. :thumbup:

Putting M-4's on my '07 was the biggest project I"ve tackled on the bike. It all went pretty smoothly except for the straps around the can, I simply needed one more hand to get the clamp pinched, bolt lined up, and that &$*%! nut threaded on; one of those things that, once you get it attached, you just sit on the cement and stare at it for awhile, and let the frustration flow out slowly. :D
Centerstand operation: does not take muscle. Balance and technique yes! To learn have a helper on right side of bike. Have kick stand down, front wheel straight, left hand on bar right hand on passenger grab handle. NOW make sure both stand feet are touching the ground with your foot on lift lever. I weigh more( but I'm a weak 74 year old man) but the final effort is your weight, all of it, on the lift lever and the slightest upward and backward tug on the grab handle(my little finger is enough) It could be harder to take it off the centerstand! Especially loaded down with luggage. Sit on bike and rock forward with all your strength! I remember when bikes had centerstands but no side stands! I've NEVER had a bike with no centerstand and never will!
Didn't seem like I had this big of an issue, but my 6 was practacly brand new. The two brothers was used tho. It did come with a FE kit, I had to rewire blinkers tho.