How to handle tailgaters?

As pretty much everyone else has stated, pull over, so that the CAGE driver can move past you. It's always better to have the unpredictable drivers in front of you (like riding in a group with new riders) so that you can react to their mistakes, bad habits, etc.

Or... :thumbdown: I once had a friend who used to carry gravel from the shoulder of the road in his left jacket pocket. On the highways, where it is sometimes difficult/impractical to pull over, he would pull out a mitt full of rocks and slowly drop them. They would bounce up into the tailgating car and hit their hood/windshield. I've been told that drivers dislike that... :spank:

PS - I HIGHLY recommend AGAINST this method of dealing with tailgaters. Much safer to pull over!!!
***Last week I was riding on a two lane country road from farm country into an urban center. As I was approaching the town, I notice this minivan in my mirrors. It's straddling the center lines like it wants to pass me. There's a car a few seconds in front of me and I'm doing 45-50 MPH (in a 45 zone). I have no idea what they were thinking and as I soon as I had a chance to get away from them (when the road went from two lanes to four) I pinned it. If you see someone being reckless, no matter how many wheels, just get away from them. It doesn't matter if you slow down, speed up, or stop.

When ever I see someone driving like that I do the same thing. :thumbup:

Once I was riding in my brothers Jeep and we had a tailgater, The top was off and he still had fresh mud on it so I grabbed a handful and tried to throw it on the hood of the car. I didn't make it but the car back off.

I also like to have extra spacing between me and the car infront of me so I have more time to react to things, and it allows me to slow down before a stop so they can't pinch me between the bumpers. I know it's a sticky situation and the car will win but you have to check your options and go with what ever is the safe option. If anything you can give your self the space then pass the car in front of you and let the tailgater ride their bumper instead.
Just to clarify. My "harsh braking technique" is only used by me when there is literally no where else to go! Of course the best thing to do is obviously get out of the way, and when they get stuck in traffic and you filter by and give them a little wave :D

Also, with slowing down that bus, I did so because I was out riding with my whole family and the driver pulled out causing my dad, mum (notice correct English spelling :) ) and brother to all have to swerve in to the oncoming lane! I think bus drivers really have got it tough and I've nothing against them.

In any situation like this, the best thing to do is to just get out of the way (especially when you are a new-er rider).

Does anyone know the legal position of what happens if you are caught speeding but you are just trying to give a bigger gap between you and the tailgater? I suppose its different in the US as opposed to the UK...
Does anyone know the legal position of what happens if you are caught speeding but you are just trying to give a bigger gap between you and the tailgater? I suppose its different in the US as opposed to the UK...

um the legal position... im sure the police would just care about the "speeding" part and not worry to much about why. thats for the judge to figure out
I don't think this is a good idea. If someone is tailgating me the LAST thing I want to do is slow down and close that gap even more.

It's what MSF suggests. I believe the idea is the driver behind you will not actually hit you intentionally, but if you're too close to the vehicle in front of you, you may have to brake too abruptly and the tailgaiter will not have enough time to avoid hitting you.
I would use the "extra space" approach only if I couldn't pull over / change lanes to get out of the way.
Does anyone know the legal position of what happens if you are caught speeding but you are just trying to give a bigger gap between you and the tailgater? I suppose its different in the US as opposed to the UK...

It has been my understanding that in the US you are allowed to go 10 MPH over when passing another car.
It's what MSF suggests. I believe the idea is the driver behind you will not actually hit you intentionally, but if you're too close to the vehicle in front of you, you may have to brake too abruptly and the tailgaiter will not have enough time to avoid hitting you.
I would use the "extra space" approach only if I couldn't pull over / change lanes to get out of the way.

agreed, the extra space also gives the tailgater incentive to
pass in that they can see room in front of you to move into
Does anyone know the legal position of what happens if you are caught speeding but you are just trying to give a bigger gap between you and the tailgater? I suppose its different in the US as opposed to the UK...

If you're speeding, the reason behind it matters not the the men in blue.

You speed, you get booked. Your problem.....
It's what MSF suggests. I believe the idea is the driver behind you will not actually hit you intentionally, but if you're too close to the vehicle in front of you, you may have to brake too abruptly and the tailgaiter will not have enough time to avoid hitting you.
I would use the "extra space" approach only if I couldn't pull over / change lanes to get out of the way.

Makes sense. Thank Howie!
What does sometimes work is putting your hazards on, although it depends on the type of driver. I usually give that a go before anything else
I have a GPS mounted on my bike and I find that the spedo is about 10% off to the slow side. So if my spedo says I'm doing 30, my GPS says I'm doing 27, if my spedo says 70 GPS says 64. If I have a tailgater on my butt I just speed up and find a hole in traffic to duck into. The one advantage our bikes have is their ability to speed up quickly and get out of harms way.

It has been my understanding that in the US you are allowed to go 10 MPH over when passing another car.

Incorrect. Speeding is speeding. My boss got a ticket while passing someone. LEGALLY, you are not permitted to go over the speed limit at any time, even when passing someone.
Not sure if it's the best way to handle it, but when I was younger I'd kick my legs out and swerve the bike a bit as if I was losing of control and about to crash, and everytime the car would back up. :D

Now that I'm a bit older, I'll flash my brake lights as a warning a few times, then find a good place to let them pass. (Though I still occasionally fake crashing if I'm on my KLR. I don't know why, but dirtbikes do bring out the worst in me. ;) )
metal hed -

I have only 2500 miles or so experience so I am not that much further along than you are. I can tell you I struggled mightily with tailgaters early on. Part of it is cagers don't allow more buffer space like they should for bikes so they think they are just following at a good normal distance.. NOT the case.

Then there are those who really want you the F out of the way and trust me pulling over and letting the tool past is a good thing that you will feel good about.

There are plenty of times when you simply won't be able to pull over for safety reasons. In those cases I would speed up a little but keep your head about it and remain as calm as you can. It does get easier to deal with as you go along. And as reference, I have only been riding since December last year... it does get much better.

I hope this helps even just a little
Where are traffic police when you need them? All kinds of laws and vigilance for ridiculous, outrageous and unreasonable, red light right turn camera violations, 100% complete full-stop sign violations, DUI laws (it's largely the MADD hysteria thinking and revenue issue) but, one, everyday, sees how many dangerous drivers (TAILGATERS) seem to proliferate our roadways on a daily basis. IMO, these are some of society's stupidest and most discourteous and DANGEROUS motorists. (It's so obvious that the highway patrol just ignores them)They always are the ones who, in a panic, emergency, situation, end up causng major accidents. For these idiots to tailgate a motorcylist is a reckless disregard for the life of the person riding in front of them. Yeah, best thing to do in the situation is widen your space between the vehicle in front of you so if there's a emergency braking situation, the moron in back of you MIGHT react in time.
This is a stark reminder from one of the other members on here of what can happen when a CAGER isn't paying attention. This could easily happen in a tailgating situation...

I had a big Lexus SUV up in my hind quarters last week riding on some back roads. I was running a nice casual pace being I was 2 up but was still over the speed limits and I had an Audi a nice cushion ahead setting a good pace. Eventually the Audi made a turn at a stop sign, I continued straight and took a spirited run from the stop sign to allow for the lady in the cage all the road she could handle. Not 2 miles away and there she is again:confused:

When I found a good straight stretch I slowed down and waved her on. Just hard to believe she was intent on being that close to a bike with a passenger on it. Be one thing if I were riding slowly or poorly. But it was a nice pace, surely the big SUV was swaying like a clipper in a storm trying to stay that close!
2 ways i handle this.1, give a look back (sometimes i point at um to get there attention)and slow down flashing the brake light. They usually back off or pass. 2, speed up. The best thing ever was when my buddy and i were coming back from up nort, we had a guy on our butts, a sheriff on a ramp seen us and started down the ramp. Our tailgater was so close behind us he obviously didn't see the 5.0 booking it down the ramp. We moved over and the cageomatic flew by was funny cause the sheriff got behind us, to which i thought we were going to get pulled.he then passed us, he waived at us and pulled over tailgating buddy.aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh karma.