How old is your battery?

Yes, the stock Yuasa battery kicks ass.

Mine is still original from '06, 60k miles, drained to DEAD many times due to my stupidity, I don't keep it on a charger in the winter, and it's left outside in the great Canadian winter. As long as I haven't left the lights on, it'll start every single time. Starts just fine after the winter every season so far.

Heck, it's outlasted the battery in my car.

If it dies tomorrow, I'll buy another with a smile on my face
Still have the stock one in my '07. Kept it in my basement this winter and hasn't lost any voltage. Should fire right up when I put it in hopefully in the next week.

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I have an 07, battery was still going after 5 years, but have had too much experience with no maintenance batteries going dead all of a sudden, no clues it was going to happen. Decided to change it, don't want it going dead on me on the open road. I keep it garaged during the winter, no tender, just start it up every week or two.
Original '05 battery. It was a little low after sitting for 15 months with no charger when I returned from Korea, but I got it going by squirting a dab of fuel in the throttle bodies (it was run dry when I stored it) and jumping it off the truck. Now it's back in storage again while I'm in Japan.