How many of cheat when stopping at a stop sign?


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2008
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San Diego, CA
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I do it all the time. I come to a stop sign and keep my feet on the pegs and stop and balance for a second and then motor on, after looking both ways of course.

I'm guilty of this mostly when I come home from work at 4am. No one's around. During daylight though I'll pay more attention and quite often put my foot or feet down just in case a cop is lurking around somewhere.

Am I a bad boy? :sinister:
Yep, you're a bad boy. lol I do it too... that would be a ticket here in FL if I'm caught.
I used to put a foot down at every stop sign for 1st gear practice, but anymore, if there isn't anyone else at the intersection, I just slow down and look before continuing.

Interesting thing about other people at intersections, seems that 9 out of 10 times they're the 'terrified, white-knuckled' driver that won't proceed until you get the foot down, as if you're going to slam into them at .5 mph if they go before then. :rolleyes:
I used to do this but sometimes you cant see good enough to do a track stand at a stop.

(track stand as it's known in the bicycle world)
I do it a lot of times on my commute to work, most of the stop signs have long unobstructed views of traffic.

There is California (I think) Supreme court ruling that said that you don't have to pull all the way to the stop sign and make your stop. In other words, say a car is stopped at the stop sign. You are stopped behind the car. The way clears and the car proceeds through the intersection. You can follow the car without stopping, as long as you can tell the way is still clear from your vantage point when you were stopped. You don't have to travel 20ft, stop again, and then proceed. You fulfilled the legal requirement to stop even though you were a car length away from the stop sign. I heard someone argue that point in a Virginia Beach court and he got his failure to stop ticket dismissed.
I do Hollywood stops all the time when the intersection is wide open and all directions are clear. In NH, it's a ticket if you don't put a foot down. This is considered running a stop sign. Most police here don't enforce it though.
I do it sometimes and sometimes I dont it depends on my mood though. I do have planned though to find out what the law requirement is here in SC. Whatever that law is I am going to do.
I do it alot, mostly when riding with my husband so we can be sure we don't get separated. Also, I like to avoid first gear when possible. I don't really need it.
I do rolling stops anytime there's not other traffic. When there's traffic I keep rolling if I have the right of way, otherwise I stop completely. Like someone else mentioned cagers seem afraid to go until they see that left foot hit the ground.
Yes I always stop and put at least one foot down.

If you don`t and get seen by the cops you are just giving money away.

In the UK we used to park up near stop signs and just reel the non stoppers in hand over fist. They do not do it just to get money out of you, it is an easy way to check you, your documents and your vehicle.

We all rush around too much so a stop sign is an excuse to take a breath and slow down a bit.

dang Steve, I like the way you turn something negative into a positive. Good Idea to just take a moment (at a stop sign) for yourself and have a sigh of relief.
I roll through if it's a neighborhood i.e. stop signs all over the place and I'm not crossing a major road. If it's up hill I always stop to work my clutch control to a buttery smoothness. I'll have to try that firedrill spinning sometime though, you'd get some stares.