How many miles did you get in the 2011 riding season?

Just over 8k so far but didn't get the bike till June and I ride all year so seasons not over till 12-31
this season i got 6800 mi...i bought the bike this year w/ 3200 mi and today i just hit 10,000 mi
I managed to sqeeze out about 11.000 km (~6900 miles) this season, which I think is pretty decent, considering we have had the worst summer in years with tonnes of rain.

3000 km of those was clocked up on a trip to Norway - awesome country to ride in :thumbup: My poor little baby has almost 20k km on the clock. Seems like yesterday i picked her up showing a virgin-like 1000 km :( But hey, she just wants to ride all the time :D

Good to see that people get plenty of miles :)
I traded the FZ6 in April and put about 2K on it since the beginning of 2011. I put 5K on the Triumph, so 7K.
I think I clocked a total of about 350 miles. :( (Yes, just 350 miles....)

The bike has just been sitting there due to an extremely wet summer, and because I deliver and pick up two girls on my way to work and back home again.
About 4,500 but that was for the last 4 months of the year since I bought my bike in September.
In 2011, I rode 14,000 miles spread over three motorcycles, excluding the FZ6 ‘cuz we just bought that a couple weeks ago.

For 2012, I’m hoping to top 20K. My trip to Alaska this summer is going to put a big dent in that goal. Actually, I don’t have mileage goals per se, it’s more a bunch of places I want to go. If I get to all those places, I book the miles.
Was able to put 8,200 miles in 2011. Have already put 200 miles in for 2012. It has been above freezing for a while now. The salt has been washed away from the roads. As soon as mornings start to top 35 degrees F, I will be riding to work. ~35 miles one way. Can't beat the 50 mpg commute to work!
13000 miles in 2011, but my riding season is year round. Here in Missouri we don't get much snow, and when we do the FZ will still power through whatever we get. (If it's snowing I don't do highways, just around town, it's a little sketchy, frame sliders have had to do their job twice) I won't stop riding in the cold either. Rode to visit my gf at Purdue the weekend before Christmas, 19 degrees when I left, but warmed up to about 30 - 35. (Actually my profile pic is from that ride).
Put about 7k on her this year. That was with an almost 2 month break, while my leg healed and I had time to replace the bars and fairing stay. :thumbup:
I only logged 5,300 miles +/- Low by this forum's standards, high by US motorcycle use standards and high considering my 6 mile commute and I also own a truck and a convertible sports car that gets a lot of use when the weather is nice.
12,000+ for me this year. Not bad for a Buffalo, NY riding season. I just hooked up my harness for my heated jacket and couldn't resist going for a quick 45 mile ride a couple of days ago when it was 45F though lol.
I got my FZ 2-11-11 and rode all year with a total of 12,800mi
learned a lot about the bike in that time and probably about myself too
I love MC riding gives you time to unwind and really relax
I mean have you ever stopped and looked at how pretty a peacock is while driving your car?