How Many Km/Miles do you have?

How Many Km Do you have

  • < 20,000

    Votes: 109 51.7%
  • < 50,000

    Votes: 67 31.8%
  • <70,000

    Votes: 21 10.0%
  • <100,000

    Votes: 10 4.7%
  • <150,000

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • >200,000

    Votes: 2 0.9%

  • Total voters
That's impressive mileage you are putting down there! that's about what most commuters put on their daily driver cage annually. :thumbup:

Yeah.....that's about 65,000 miles total. And there's not too many days that I don't commute to work. It's 40 miles round trip to work and the bike is getting about 41 mpg so that's a gallon of gas a day to go to work. Even if gas were $4 a gallon that's only $16 a week for gas. Not to shabby if you ask me.
Well so far my scoot has only 5K miles on her. She's gonna be my winter hack for a few years .... hopefully. I reckon I'll put up to 6K miles per year. So not much really. My daily commute is ~80 miles all up per day. Should last freakin' ages at that rate;):thumbup:

I clean the bike thoroughly twice a week coz I hate to see the thing corrode in front of me.
32,000 miles or 53097 K on my 06 fz6. I changed the chain and sprockets, oil and filters. I've done one 1150 mile day and many road trips. I have not done any engine work, have not checked the valve clearances. Contemplating replacing the bike...or upgrading the suspension and keeping it another couple of years. Upgrade would be new front for springs, Ricor valve, 43 MM Intiminator, fits 2004-2009 FZ6 and Ohlins or Penski Rear shock. I will be replacing the steering bearing in the next few weeks....
My baby ('05) is at 36700kms, got her after Christmas last year with 21674kms on the clock. (I ride 120kms a day to and from work)

Full synthetic oil so should be good for a couple more kms!

A couple clicks shy of 90k km's now. Doesn't burn a drop of oil and the valves checked out fine (never adjusted) about 4k km ago.

Should hit 100k km by the end of the season
Got her last June 11 2011 ( yes it's sad I remember me and my bikes "anniversary" but often forget my own birthday) with 10,??? On it and just turned over 32,000 on independence day.
I'm just over 9100 on my '07.
The previous owner put on 5600 in 4 years. I got close to doubling his output in just 1.

That being said, 3500 in one year certainly isn't the most around here.

Edit: Lack of units, what a good chem major I am!
All in miles.
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Update, just a few hundered miles shy of 85,000 miles. It's been tough logging a lot of miles up here in Idaho during the winter, but I'm still riding.
bought it end of september 2011 with 21k miles on it. I now have 32k miles on it. I do about 150 miles a week commuting to college and work.