How many excuses can you think up?


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Jan 14, 2008
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San Antonio, TX
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Six Local Airmen Arrested

Hmm.. how many excuses can you think up?

"Sorry officer you see the one female with us is about to give birth. We where escorting her to the hospital."

"Well we saw the first officer and saw he wasn't trying to pull us over so we sped up to find the next one. We didn't want to keep you guys waiting too long."

"Sorry officer, we were awaiting confirmation from the tower that we had hit takeoff speeds. Maybe our comm system needs work."

No I don't condone thier actions, this is just for a bit of fun :thumbup:
We all had waffle house for breakfast, just trying to get to the rest area.

Al Quida
We were going to be late for choir practice?

I have to get this movie back?

Chasing a UFO?

They are about to put my dog to sleep?

Wopner in 5 minutes. 5 minutes to Wopner. Gotta watch Wopner?
"Oh, that sign meant 'miles per hour'? On Arion 5 we use 'parsecs per hour."
I was scared to go that fast alone.

They are having a sale on underwear at Target and I didnt want to miss out.

We were going way faster than that. You sure that thing is calibrated right?

My Mom is making meatloaf.

I was about out of gas.

Wanna race?

No we dont have any doughnuts.

Its her fault she said we were all chicken.

I thought the other cop was waving go faster.
These are not the bikes you are looking for. Wave hand in dismissal.
Sir, this here bike idles at 100 mph!

My GPS is one of those cheap ones that only picks up 1 satellite so for it to work I have to ride right under it. As you know, satellites go pretty fast, and I don't see anyone giving them tickets.

Well sir, I know the speed limit is 65 but the FZ6 forum said to properly break in my bike I should hit 12000 rpm in every gear. I haven't even got to third yet!
I really have to go pee!

I was showing those boys how to really ride!

I/we was/were going to get you a coffee before we were late for the Charity event.

It is really hot, so this is like airconditioning for motorcycles.
I'm sorry sir, i suffer from explosive diarrhea and a syphilitic colon.

My speedometer is broken.

I thought you were one of those sweet old ladies in a crown vic with some fancy strobe lights.

I was going too fast to read the speed limit signs!
Hand them a card:
My name is Chris Pratt
I have had a severe head injury

Officer what do you know about centrifugal force?

Sorry, my right wrist has cramped really bad. They were following trying to help me stop.

We were on our way to make a large donation to the FOP

We were chasing a dangerous speeder and you just let him get away

We're heading to the bank before it fails