How long has it been since you used your BBQ grill?

that is the coolest freaking thing every, you bought a grill that makes its own honey! hmm do i hear HONEY BBQ WINGS!?
Was that yours?
Bees are cool. They really arent violent animals, very calm really.
On that note however.
Mwaaa mwwaaahhhaaaa

Never mind somethingawful as went all crazy password protection
it has to be 12 mixed case letters, numbers and a puncuation mark.

Boil it down.

dude burns a bunch of bees to death after throwing things at them. A good time was had by all.
Thats buddy had a family of rats living in his...needless to say he ended up throwing it out
Wow! That was a lot of bees! My trusty old Weber is used almost weekly, so I usually just get to see the start of a nest. Mainly it is just spiders.:eyebrow: