How Important Are Gloves?

How Important are Gloves as Safety Kit?

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[don't take this the wrong way] I am slightly astounded that you need a poll to answer this question.
Personally I hate wearing gloves, especially in traffic, I really don't like having sweaty hands in gloves. However, it is far more preferable wearing them than to consider the possible result of not wearing them. Try wiping your bum with a prosthetic hook [forgetting you have one ouch] after you lose your hand due to road rash and infection.
I personally don't need a poll to answer the question. What I am really pleased about is that we now have a thread that clearly shows to any squids that gloves are important, and a wealth of personal experiences it to back up those claims. ...a perfect post for a "safety" fourm don't you think? The question was less for me than for the greater good of all. :)
I can not imagine life without my hands. Just don't even want to think about it. I know that there are folks who've lost their hands and manage to function in the world. But, I don't want to be one of them.

I have to admit that my first response when I saw this poll/question was wtf? I thought it was a top-drawer, dumb question, but then again, if someone, anyone, reads this thread and gets clued in to protecting their hands as a result, then score one for dumb questions!

Excuse me now, I've got some, ahem, web browsing to do...:D
Do you wear a helmet ? Of course you do..... Why ? To save your noggin'(head) in the event of an off !!!!!!! So one would assume that you need your hands to ride , therefore you would be needing gloves !!!!!!!!!! Always wear your gear or i'll come round and :spank: you , we dont want have to start a thread for a fallen member......... There thats my little :rant: over with...... :D
I have not purchased gloves yet. Never had them in the past. Call me dumb, I never paid that much attention to gloves.

In your opinion how do you rate gloves as safety equipment?

I am at work so I dont's have the time to read all of the posts....

but the question shouldn't be how important are gloves but rather How important are your hands.

hopefully someone will link you to some nasty pics or video that will show you what can happen to your hands when wearing even cheap gloves at low speeds.

I know that after I read a bit and saw some pics I retired my short 30$ gloves and bought more expensive full gauntlets.
i feel very strange when i ride my bike over to the car wash station in my condo complex without gear. figure i am safe at 2 mph going about a hundred yards, though i am sure someone here will spank me for that :spank:. I do have a bit of a side note... I have heard that there is a mount for the iphone to put on a bike, but what is the point if the iphone touch screen won't read a gloved finger? seems like it would be a lot of ripping the glove on and off to play with it to be worth it.
i feel very strange when i ride my bike over to the car wash station in my condo complex without gear. figure i am safe at 2 mph going about a hundred yards, though i am sure someone here will spank me for that :spank:. I do have a bit of a side note... I have heard that there is a mount for the iphone to put on a bike, but what is the point if the iphone touch screen won't read a gloved finger? seems like it would be a lot of ripping the glove on and off to play with it to be worth it.

yea, I thought about it. It's $50!!!! RAM MOUNTS.

anyways, if you set a playlist, then it doesn't matter that you can't touch it, and if you keep the screen on never autolocking and have the GPS constantly tracking you on the mapped route, you'd be fine...not as efficient as a real GPS, but it would work. I'll be getting a mount for xmas I think ;)

from santa of course...:thumbup:...and he might throw in a cig charger kit thingy so it doesn't drain the battery!
yeah it would mostly be for the GPS, though hooking up a bluetooth headset in the helmet for the phone would be kinda cool. not that i am all about talking on the phone and riding/driving at the same time, but it would be nice to receive calls you may be anticipating and have a nice long ride at the same time. it sucks sometimes to get off the bike and see that five people have desperately been trying to reach you. i suppose you could stop from time to time to check, but who wants to stop :thumbup:
Dude I take it you never fell over as a kid on to gravel at running pace then had to pick the crap out of the palms of you hands for the following week.Man does that sting.

Gloves every time for me :thumbup:
Dude I take it you never fell over as a kid on to gravel at running pace then had to pick the crap out of the palms of you hands for the following week.Man does that sting.

Gloves every time for me :thumbup:

Wow that bring's back memories.
I went down at 10 mph, and I took the skin off all top of my knuckles. It took 2 months for them to heal. Buy gloves with hard plastic over the knuckles too.
[don't take this the wrong way] I am slightly astounded that you need a poll to answer this question.
Personally I hate wearing gloves, especially in traffic, I really don't like having sweaty hands in gloves. However, it is far more preferable wearing them than to consider the possible result of not wearing them. Try wiping your bum with a prosthetic hook [forgetting you have one ouch] after you lose your hand due to road rash and infection.

Riding in Houston my hands get sweaty in traffic but the leather definitely gives me a better grip without having to constantly wipe my hands. I use mesh gloves in the summer to let the wind through and solid gloves in the winter. I went down on a bicycle and have scars to prove it, I wont ride 2 wheels without gloves.
I went down in a relatively tame accident last June (hit the back of a trailer at 35mph, went flying down the road). After trying to pick up my bike twice (slipped on fork oil the first time) with a wrist broken in three places, I finally gave up. It was a pristine 1989 Fazer 700.

Anyways, on to gloves. I looked at my hands and saw the leather shredded. If I hadn't had them on, I would probably require skin grafts,etc. Now I never leave home without them!
I like my hands. A lot. They're my two most intimate partners in life.

You'd sooner see me running barefoot on broken glass or gravel, than riding without gloves.
Gloves: An absolute must. The hands are the first defense in a fall just like everyone has said here. Not to mention, have you every been riding at 70-90 MPH and had a bug decide to run into your helmet, chest, or legs. Stings a bit. Now imagine you falling at say 30 MPH and having nothing between the skin on your hands and the road. You'll rub your hands raw in less than 10 ft in a slide. The impact alone can do this. Having a good set of gloves on can at least mitigate the initial impact and following skid. A good pair of gloves with impact protection are worth their weight in gold.