How Important Are Gloves?

How Important are Gloves as Safety Kit?

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Regular Joe
Oct 31, 2008
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Bangkok Thailand
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I have not purchased gloves yet. Never had them in the past. Call me dumb, I never paid that much attention to gloves.

In your opinion how do you rate gloves as safety equipment?
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I agree with Wolfman. In addition to that, if you do any riding in cold weather, it is almost impossible to ride comfortably without proper gloves. They also look cool when worn with matching gear.
Gloves are a must aside from the obvious "if something happens at you go down," debris from the road, bugs, rocks...even raindrops feel like needles at 80mph. I personally didn't enjoy spending two hours getting some broken glass out of my knuckles one I would HIGHLY recommend gloves to anyone who asks.

Ride safe, ride often...see you out there.
I rode once with no gloves as id locked them in the house with my keys, and i was shating myself, just felt so wrong. I rate my head and hands higher than even my bollox ;)
gloves are very essential, as said before the hands are the first thing put out when something happens, and they are one of the most fragile appendages...
As Reiobard mentions.... it's instinc to put your hands out first.... Besides, if you ***k up your hands, how you going to spank the monkey?:spank:
I have not purchased gloves yet. Never had them in the past. Call me dumb, I never paid that much attention to gloves.

In your opinion how do you rate gloves as safety equipment?

Well just start counting every time you use your hands for something in the next hour. If you would like to continue doing that, probley should get some gloves. LOL LOL

HELD makes the best gloves in the world. The Steve model glove is outstanding for just riding, then they get steep for racing gloves.
Try this experiment. 1) Tie your shoe laces together, from shoe to shoe. 2) Run as fast as you can. 3) Note where your hands go as you fall. The results of this experiment will tell you whether or not you need gloves.
Back in September I was jogging along a usual route where I know the sidewalks are uneven. I lost my concentraton for a second, and suddenly found myself tripping and falling. Without thinking, my hands went out to break the fall. Suffice it to say that a fall from zero feet at 6 mph did a fair amount of damage. My right hand took the worst of it, but both were impacted. People thought I must have taken a spill on my FZ6.

So, like everbody says, gloves are very important if you value the use of you hands.
I had a friend go down riding two up with another friend. Suppose to be a light ride so the driver only put on gloves and helmet, passenger only a helmet. They got pushed off the road by another driver, we down on a gravel shoulder at 50-60. Driver missed one day of work because of road rash on his knee and shoulder, and a nice friend to help him clean out his wound on his back. The passenger went to the hospital and missed a weeks worth of work. When they went down the first thing that hit the ground was his hands, He then tried to stop himself with his hands, He did say that he picked his hands back up after a second but the damage had already been done. Both hands had rubbed down to the muscle at the heel of his hand. Most any job you have you are going to miss work for a good chunk of time if you can't use your hands. I almost always wear all my gear, I almost always wear a jacket, helmet, and gloves. Every now and then I will take a short ride around the neighborhood with out the jacket but I always wear a helmet and gloves.
I went down once at about 30km/h.

Hands first, had bandages for a month. Think about wiping your bum ok? :spank:

Plus cold, rain and road debris are all going to hit your hands ... small stone makes a large hole.

Keep it safe.
I fully support all comments here. Gloves are super important. The way I see it, full gear - gloves, helmet, jacket, pants and boots are very essential. This is the only thing protecting us so, full gear all the time. Safety first, fun just comes along ... :thumbup:
Finding an offramp ASAP and digging a piece of gravel out my knuckle made my mind up. Anything more than moving the bike in the driveway means I'm throwing on gloves before doing it. That being said... It really isn't necessary to go and spend $80 plus on a pair of super state of the art racing gloves. I got a set of Joe Rockets for $5 off a friend and they're SUPER COMFY. No hand fatigue even after 2 hours of freeway riding.
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