How Far You Can Go On A Low Fuel Light



Today I found out the hard way just how far you can go on a low fuel light. I was supposed to go ride Palomar today but ended up having to work, but that's okay works been slow so I'll take the overtime when I can get it. so anyways I've been riding the Ninja all week(waiting for my turn signals) so I wanted to ride my bike today, only the last time I rode my bike I broke my own rule and brought it home with a low tank(mistake #1). this morning I was feeling lazy when the alarm went off so I hit snooze(mistake #2). so now I'm running a little late, as I jump on the expressway I glance down and notice the 1 solid bar on the gauge and think to myself wow its been on one bar for a while I should probably stop for gas, but I've made it all the way to work before on a blinking fuel light so no big deal, I'll just fuel up after work(mistake #3). so I'm about 12 miles from work(out of a 29 mile commute) and I get the blinking light. after work I decide to "push on"(more on this word later) to the am/pm about 10 miles from work(passing the 2 little gas stations close to my work). I pull up to the gas pump go inside to pick up some smokes and pay and realize all I have to pay with is a gift card I got from work, no big deal right? WRONG turns out despite the gift card can be used as a credit card am/pm doesn't accept them... uh oh.(Ever get that little voice in your head telling you good advice and then you shrug it off and do the wrong thing anyways.) common sense said make a right at the expressway and back track to the last gas station 10 miles back. naturally I made the left and headed toward the gas station close to my house 18+ miles away(mistake #4). keep in mind I already have 22 miles on the blinking light. so I'm cruising down the expressway and I feel a surge as I look down at the trip odometer I see 38.7 miles I'm two miles from the gas station and Surge...surge... done!!! dang I ran out of gas!!! I make my way safely over to the shoulder and remove my helmet and start to "push" (theres that word again) the bike to the gas station. I didn't have to "push" very far when a good Samaritan named J.P.:thumbup: stopped and happened to have a gas can with a gallon of gas in it that he gave me. he told me he thought I was out of gas and seeing how he just happened to have some he thought he would help, turns out J.P. used to have a Honda VFR 800 a few years back and he'd run out of fuel before and someone stopped and helped him out the way he was helping me. I told him I couldn't thank him enough he said don't worry about it and we shook hands and he was on his way, and so was I.
The moral of this story is get gas when you need it, listen to your inner voice, always carry a little cash just in case and if you see a rider that needs help stop and help him because you never now when the shoe will be on the other foot.;)
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Are you sure it wasnt J.C.?

Jimmuh Carter!!
Glad you made it home ok.
I thought you learned your lesson when we were in angeles oaks and I had to pay almost 5.00$ a gallon just to make it down the hill,:(
Glad you didn't have to push the whole 2 miles. Sometimes I miss the reserve pet****s on my old bikes but I used to run them out of gas too sometimes.
I went about 18 miles on the flashing bar once and didn't feel good about that so now I refill at ~175 miles (every other day during the work week).

I think that thats still pretty good going though. I regularly get 40 miles on mine (at town speeds) before I fill up. It's nice to think that people will still help you out if your in the ****e. How much gas did it take to fill her up?
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I was calculating 60 KM so that works out to about 36 miles... close enough for us metric folks... thanks for testing my theoretical reserve limit :thumbup:
I think that thats still pretty good going though. I regularly get 40 miles on mine (at town speeds) before I fill up. It's nice to think that people will still help you out if your in the ****e. How much gas did it take to fill her up?
after getting comped a gallon it took 4.04 gallons to top it off.
Maverick said:
I was calculating 60 KM so that works out to about 36 miles... close enough for us metric folks... thanks for testing my theoretical reserve limit
not a problem!!! thats why I'm here, to answer the next to impossible questions. between ADMIN and me we know everything there is to know about everything, just ask us!!!:thumbup:
well.... I might have had a tailwind... I think that it is safe to say that my reserve comes on when there is more than 0.9 gallons left. I'm not planning to try that again...
I can't beleive I forgot to post this..

I had to take my eldest son (Josh 12) to a fotball match last Sunday. The game was in a town 20 miles away from where I live. My reserve light had come on two days previously. No worries I had only done 12 miles.
We were in a bit of a rush and Josh didn't want to be late. I thought that I would fill up after the game on the return journey.
No I wouldn't, I ran out of petrol with only 31.2 miles showing on the trip counter. I wasn't exceeding the speed limit and I don't ride hard with passengers. I had a complete brain fart and didn't take into account the extra weight of Josh, or my panniers filled with water and medical kit.
I had to push my bike 1/4 mile to a petrol station in full gear and thermals. I was rather toastie lol. To top it off Josh's side got beaten 3-0.

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Cheers for that guys.Think i will keep 30 miles logged into the brain when last bar starts flashing.Dont fancy pushing,anywhere ridings more fun. :D
Today I found out the hard way just how far you can go on a low fuel light. I was supposed to go ride Palomar today but ended up having to work, but that's okay works been slow so I'll take the overtime when I can get it. so anyways I've been riding the Ninja all week(waiting for my turn signals) so I wanted to ride my bike today, only the last time I rode my bike I broke my own rule and brought it home with a low tank(mistake #1). this morning I was feeling lazy when the alarm went off so I hit snooze(mistake #2). so now I'm running a little late, as I jump on the expressway I glance down and notice the 1 solid bar on the gauge and think to myself wow its been on one bar for a while I should probably stop for gas, but I've made it all the way to work before on a blinking fuel light so no big deal, I'll just fuel up after work(mistake #3). so I'm about 12 miles from work(out of a 29 mile commute) and I get the blinking light. after work I decide to "push on"(more on this word later) to the am/pm about 10 miles from work(passing the 2 little gas stations close to my work). I pull up to the gas pump go inside to pick up some smokes and pay and realize all I have to pay with is a gift card I got from work, no big deal right? WRONG turns out despite the gift card can be used as a credit card am/pm doesn't accept them... uh oh.(Ever get that little voice in your head telling you good advice and then you shrug it off and do the wrong thing anyways.) common sense said make a right at the expressway and back track to the last gas station 10 miles back. naturally I made the left and headed toward the gas station close to my house 18+ miles away(mistake #4). keep in mind I already have 22 miles on the blinking light. so I'm cruising down the expressway and I feel a surge as I look down at the trip odometer I see 38.7 miles I'm two miles from the gas station and Surge...surge... done!!! dang I ran out of gas!!! I make my way safely over to the shoulder and remove my helmet and start to "push" (theres that word again) the bike to the gas station. I didn't have to "push" very far when a good Samaritan named J.P.:thumbup: stopped and happened to have a gas can with a gallon of gas in it that he gave me. he told me he thought I was out of gas and seeing how he just happened to have some he thought he would help, turns out J.P. used to have a Honda VFR 800 a few years back and he'd run out of fuel before and someone stopped and helped him out the way he was helping me. I told him I couldn't thank him enough he said don't worry about it and we shook hands and he was on his way, and so was I.
The moral of this story is get gas when you need it, listen to your inner voice, always carry a little cash just in case and if you see a rider that needs help stop and help him because you never now when the shoe will be on the other foot.;)

Wow you turned "i ran out of gas" into a great story. also good to know about the 38 miles to a blinking light in a pinch.

Also :thumbup: to good samaritans
37.4 miles, I too made a wrong decision, pushed the bike in the same direction I was travelling (over a bridge as well) and then a further mile to the nearest gas station.

On the way home that evening I was extremely happy to see that if I had crossed to the other side of the road and headed back in the direction I came from I would have had a 400yds downhill coast to a gas station!!
40 miles on what we can call Reserve. That is great.

On my 800 Intruder I had 15 miles to tank up after I had flicked over.
