How do you listen to you music?


Junior Member
Jul 26, 2012
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Coral Springs, Florida
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So work finally changed from blackberry to iPhone. Since we have unlimited data I can listen to pandora when I ride which will be great once the weather improves. I plan on using a Ram Mount to attach but wondering what is the best way to listen. Plug in with a long earbud cord or some kind of Bluetooth set-up?
Bluetooth would probably be best, although they aren't exactly the cheapest. Especially in use with the RAM mount because I wouldn't want earbuds plugged in on a fixed point on the bike. If, God Forbid, You were to go down I don't want to know what the damage could be..

If I want to listen to music while I ride, I usually run my earbuds from my backpack. Also its probably important to note that I don't use pandora, I just use a playlist I've made for riding and have it on shuffle. If you use Pandora you might hit some songs you want to skip so have the phone in a backpack could be quite an inconvenience.
This is the best thing I've found.


I've done a variety of ear buds and even had an ear doctor custom make some but after a period of time my ears would itch and get sore. The Sena allows you to make calls on your phone and play music and navigation all through voice commands. I can wear regular earplugs and still hear my music at highway speeds. The cost was only around $150.
not to jack the thread at all, but will one of the SENA or Cardo systems play fair with an action cam, such as a GoPro. im looking to accomplish a lot of things with as little equipment as possible, though not all at the same time.

-two way comm setup
-GoPro mic
Bluetooth headset for calls (i have Q2 Pro) or bluetooth earbuds for real music listening- headsets lack music quality
right now I only have a pair of earbuds, they work well around town but for long trips ear plugs are a must have. Once I can save up the pennies I plan on getting either the smh5 or smh10
If you're a member on ADVrider there's a permanent group buy on these that will save you some cash on any SENA product. SMH10, SMH5, SMH10R etc
I **** my ear and maybe lift my visor, sweet sounding motor huh? Music to my ears and I can still hear the speaker in my helmet from my radar detector. What more do I need?
Holy cow Batman, they're $129 bucks! For $30 more you could get the Sena.

I received them as a gift. And the listen only ones are $99....not sure that helps my point...

And with the Sena, does that only work with a full face that folds up? What about a closed one? Do you just bend the mic into the helmet??
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Another SENA user here. Nice to be able to click on button to turn music on/off (not to mention take a call or talk to other riders in a group).
$20.00 Sony am/fm, easily removeable if it rains. The speaker headset was cut up and the speakers velcored into the helmet ear holes(pic #3).

You adjust it with your left, (not throttle hand), volume, station, on/off, etc, while under way. Works very well.

Also, with the helmet locked to the bike, its difficult to see the unit as its inward (with the "D" ring).
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Sena gets my vote. Before I got it, i would use decent sound insulating in-ear headphones instead of earplugs) in both ears. Takes a little trying, but it's possible to find the right balance, where you can hear the music but it does not block off all of the outside noise, so you are still aware of your environment
My husband and I use Scala Riders. They sound great. We can talk to each other during rides (I have to pee, turn left up here, etc.) Plus he is my full-time track coach when we are in the twisties (look through the turn, don't slow down so much, etc.). I also like listening to music while riding. With the Scala Rider I can wear ear plugs for the wind/road noise and hear my music and intercomm. I have "helmet called" a friend before when trying to adjust the volume. My bad. She laughed. We have full face Shoei helmets. Mic fits under the front chin piece and adjusts easily. The speakers fit into a space already molded into the Shoei helmet. My 17 year old son doesn't want a headset for his helmet. I wonder why..... maybe he doesn't want to listen to mom and dad. :thumbup: