How do you guys do it?


Hopped up on Mountain Dew
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May 27, 2008
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I went for a good 60 mile ride and picked up some things along the way, and the temperature dropped from 36 to 30F along the way. My arms and legs were fine, but I was wearing 2 pairs of socks under my boots and insulated gloves with liners and I'm still working on getting the feeling back in them. On the way, I bought a new hoodie so my neck didn't get so cold. Every person that saw me with my gear on said I was hardcore though. :D
My commute to work only takes about 10-15 minutes, I can take some cold for that short time. Sixty miles though, yeah, you're going to get cold. The last time I came back from Tooele (75 miles) it was about 40, I put my rainsuit/gloves over my winter coat, but I still jumped into the shower on getting home to warm up.
Electric gloves and socks would be SO sweet...
Oh, and I bought Twist of the Wrist 2 during the trip. :D


Mine is only 15 minutes. Its bearable. 60mins is to long at low temp with out a full fairing like goldwing, ultra glide, fjr, or concourse. Heated gear would be the answer with hand guards.
I wear steel toed black work boots when I ride, and my feet generally stay rather warm with a single pair of socks. I also have a heavy pair of gloves and a scarf for my neck and chin area. Along with my heavy leather jacket (with liner) I pretty much stay cozy. Except for my legs. I don't have any extra protection for my legs, so on longer rides, they end up getting quite chilled. And then some.

yea...Im going down to Norfolk, VA Sunday morning to pick up a Daytona. Riding the Daytona back will be fun, but the 3+ hours in the cold might spoil it a bit.

I have been riding in my one piece thermal suit and have not had any problems yet. The coldest I was out was 26 degrees one night and it wasn't that bad, but that was only a 15 minute trip.
yea...Im going down to Norfolk, VA Sunday morning to pick up a Daytona. Riding the Daytona back will be fun, but the 3+ hours in the cold might spoil it a bit.

I have been riding in my one piece thermal suit and have not had any problems yet. The coldest I was out was 26 degrees one night and it wasn't that bad, but that was only a 15 minute trip.

new or used?

I rode to work in 39F once. once.:jawdrop:
It's an hour drive. jesus freezus:D
Yea a red '06 675. Has Two Bros exhaust, and some other nice mods. My brother is in the NAVY and put a deposit on this bike and I am delivering the rest of the cash and taking it back home. I'm excited to ride this thing since its such an awesome machine and on my top5 list.
I went for a good 60 mile ride and picked up some things along the way, and the temperature dropped from 36 to 30F along the way. My arms and legs were fine, but I was wearing 2 pairs of socks under my boots and insulated gloves with liners and I'm still working on getting the feeling back in them. On the way, I bought a new hoodie so my neck didn't get so cold. Every person that saw me with my gear on said I was hardcore though. :D

Actually, it is quite exhilarating in the chilly am - and puts that smile on your face that takes a couple of hours of work to erase. (My ride is only 12 minutes long, so the cold isn't that bad.)

Also... It really makes you look like a bad a*s - and demands a little bit more of extra respect since you are a girl. ;)
I have Gerbing G3 heated gloves. They are the way to go. My Olympia ranger 2 overpants work well (even without the thermal liner. Olympia ast is pretty warm My boots are warm enough. Add a balaclava and I'm good to go. It was 16 degrees this morning. My morning commute is about 30 minutes and I was fine. I think for 60 miles, I would need a few chemical warmers
OMG YES I forgot about those chemical warmers...dude thank you! I sell them where I work for $1 a pack. Gonna grab me a set for Sunday.
Its not that bad. I just got back from grocery shopping and my thermo says 18.1 degrees F. -7.9 C
Out here in QLD Australia it doesnt get that cold so i can ride all year round noooo worries :thumbup: :D in our winter it can get to sub zero but once the sun comes up its all good.......
About 32 this morning in Dallas, 35 minute ride in the morning was a little chilly but not horrible. If you dont go with overpants, I have found the flannel/fleece lined Jeans from LL bean are perfect for keeping the legs warm. Also go with workboots as the temps drop and no problems there either. I have an Olympia Airglide II with the liner. I will admit however to using the engine to warm fingers at lights occasionally.
heated gear works awesome, otherwise a good heavy textile pants and jacket work well also. i use to wear teknic jacket and pants in the winter.
We don't get that kind of cold out here on the left coast -- yeah, I know "go away." When it gets "cold" here I will wear a balaclava, some insulated gloves and layers underneath my jacket and pants. I can't imagine the temp you're riding in.

I remember a lot of the vfr guys I used to ride with raved about widder electric stuff. And the good folks at aerostich sell some electric stuff, too.

What it requires is installing one of those little electrical socket thingies on your bike to plug the gear into. But the heated stuff is supposed to be pretty frickin' sweet, at least for your torso. Not so sure if they make heated socks...

Ride on!
I wish I had some heated gear. That would rock. Maybe if I pimp myself out to old ladies. LOL
I had no choice today but to take the FZ to class today. It's about 8 Miles and it got up to 25F today with the sun out.

I felt so hard core :rockon: