How did you come up with your login (nickname)?

It started as whome "who me" like a question. I came up with it while I was going to college. I started using it on forums till I found it not being available. So I changed it up with a bit of L337.
A group of about 20 of us went to see Gladiator back in the day and by the end of the night everyone was calling me "LAZAMUS!!!" loudly(we were all tossed) ...not sure which one of my hooligan friends started it but it stuck..Used it on my ball hockey
Cant tell you how many times someone would ask "Whats the S stand for?" and in my best Sam L Jackson impression..."Superstar MuthaF*****"....oh yeah..laugh riot...:D


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So I've always been bad in grammar/language arts classes mostly because of their rules that all have exceptions which really makes them suggestions not rules. I found out that there is a group, Modern Language Association (MLA) that comes up with this stuff. "I before E except after C or when sounding like A as in neighbor or weigh" c'mon what kinda rule is that its got "except" and "or" right in there!! That kinda stuff don't fly in math!! 1+1=2 no matter what language you say it in. AAAARRRRRGGG sorry bout that!

Anyway, phranK is Frank misspelled and capitalized wrong, kinda like my own little way of not letting the MLA tell me what to do. Who do these MLA preachers think they are? Telling me how to spell and capitalize my own name...I'll do what i want.

And of course 2k11 is the year

I use phranK2k? depending on what year i start using a service like email or forum posting.

BTW: my name isn't even's Garrett
At about 65mph a blind jump tossed me in the air with out warning; thinking I was about to die I thought this is it, the Final jump. As my face and body buried itself in the sand I was certain the Impact would kill me... Nope, just filled up with sand! :thumbup:

I also used it in RC Helicopter and airplane forums too. . . Once your thumbs screw up, those make a Final Impact to and you go pick up the pieces. . .:rolleyes: I guess I kept that same thinking for the bike! :eek:
Mine is simply my initials. I was trying to troubleshoot a metal rattling sound on my bike that happened at 8000 rpm on-line, when I stumbled upon this site. I couldn't access my answer properly without signing up, my haste I used my initials. Boring but true...BTW, it turned out to be a rattling clutch lever.
Mine is just my nickname my best friend gave me. My real name is Kenneth, or Kenny, buy he randomly decided he was gonna start calling me Kenward. haha
I took my nickname Bren from a fantasy book which I was reading at the time I needed to sign in to one motorcycle forum. In the book Bren was either a soldier or a small village, I don't even remember which.

For a long time I didn't think about my nickname having any other meanings until one of my friend asked me why I had named myself after a British light machine gun... But the name had stuck and I have used it in other forums as well. (Even though I have to explain the origins of my name every once in a while.)
Well my first name is Marc and we have a store in the UK called 'Marks and Spencer' also known as 'Marks and Sparks'. Because of this I have been known as Sparks or Sparkle but mostly Sparky pretty much since the day I was born. So many people still call me this, a lot of people actually think it's my real name. Sparky is always taken as a username so I add 'Bean' which is another nickname I got in my late teens. Making Sparky Bean. My PS3 gamertag is Sparky_Bean if anyone here is down for any of that shizzle!
Lewd Fingers was punk club owner in a musical called "Angry Housewives". Saw it on Granville Island in Vancouver in the mid-80's and liked the moniker.

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With so many new members since this one was doing the rounds, I thought it might be funny to see what the inspiration has been for some of the latest forum members.

agf are my initials- BORING but the first bike forum I joined was PERTHSTREETBIKES before I got the FZ and I was asking a quick question so neededa log in name
since then "agf" is what works for me

adrian grant flint
tried for FZSex as a play on FZ6. and not only is my '07 red the fastest color, its also the sexiest color. so it made sense :rolleyes:

however that is a prohibited username so i put a y at the end. i mean who can be bothered to do otherwise...

still sounds right, i think. makes sense enough, but meh really

i do want to change my avatar, though. think i will do that now. if you read this and its not a crude red and white thing, its changed!
I rode a fair amount back in the 70's but then married into an instant family (2 kids from wife's previous marriage) so had to jettison any and all forms of "unneccessary" expenditures, so went without riding for 30+ years. Finally decided a few years ago to get back into it, but didn't feel it was a mid-file crisis (was past my mid-life anyway), so decided it was a second childhood.
I'm a Mtn biker. Love it. Raced some back in college in the Wisconsin Off Road Series (WORS).
Back in 2007 I bought my first good race bike. It was a Gary Fisher Paragon, fastest red of course.
My teammates started calling me The Paragon, which was kind of an oxymoron because a Paragon is a person or thing regarded as a perfect example or of the best possible being... and as a mtn biker, I am far from that!!!
tried for FZSex as a play on FZ6. and not only is my '07 red the fastest color, its also the sexiest color. so it made sense :rolleyes:

however that is a prohibited username so i put a y at the end. i mean who can be bothered to do otherwise...

still sounds right, i think. makes sense enough, but meh really

i do want to change my avatar, though. think i will do that now. if you read this and its not a crude red and white thing, its changed!

You really can't go wrong with Mr Happy! :thumbup:
I'm boring - my initials and race number, MG-242. The race number was selected from an old pro flattracker in the US named Steve Morehead. He was local and one of the fast guys. When I applied for my race number all of my friends had 3-digits so I thought I HAD to have 3 digits and added the 2 in front of Morehead's number. Yep, pretty boring. :Sport:
Mine derives from a very checkered past. That's all the information I need to indulge. Not bike theft related.
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