How cold is too cold for you?

OK, this morning it was only 21 F, but since I got some Tall thermal underwear the day before, I had to give it a try.
The cold didn't bother me at all on my commute. BUT, I could not keep my faceshield from fogging, even opening it up at every stoplight. Halfway to work I had to just keep it open all the way, and that was NOT pleasant.
So, no more riding at that temp until I get my new Scorpion EXO 1000, we'll see if its built-in antifog coating is any better. :mad:
I have an in built fog sheild in my HJC. It is very good, they only last about two months though. I also wear glasses, it is such a pain in the but.
today was the first day that i ve seen traces of snow,,,i think it'll be around 4-5 C on saturday so i will ride my bike for sure,,,but below that ,i wouldnt bother taking the bike out...with just jeans,thick sweater and jacket,gloves i could enjoy my ride for about 2 hours on 4-5 C but after 2 hrs ,my legs give up first and then my fingers...but it is fun to gear up and ride in cold weather as long as its dry!
I Just found this calculator, its great. I didn't change the wind speed as I didn't know what it was. It calculated that I road home in -6C.

Years ago when I was young and foolish. I was a courier, during the winter I often had Ice forming in my elbows and had frozen tears and eyebrows. What a laugh.......not

Wind Chill Calculator

Why use a calculator when you can see the entire spread thanks to NOAA. This will make things beyond easy.
using the wind chill calculator with the weather here lately, I've been riding in -16 degrees for a 40min stretch no wonder I can't feel my hands and thighs when I get to work!!!
For my 44 mile commute I've ridden at 28 degrees then switched to the car. I have heated grips and vest. That's not the problem here, the roads are (frost). I've eeked out a couple of rides at 15 degrees but to be honest, after 10 miles my feet are numb and the bike handles like a dump truck anyway at that temp. The tires won't heat and the suspension is way too hard. Probably an oil viscosity issue. My 15 degree rides were in town at 25-40 MPH. I personally wouldn't think of a commute at those temps. We're supposed to be 38/52 degrees tomorrow so I might ride the bike in if it isn't raining in the morning. Otherwise it's a heated cage with cupholders for me.
using the wind chill calculator with the weather here lately, I've been riding in -16 degrees for a 40min stretch no wonder I can't feel my hands and thighs when I get to work!!!

Was this in recent days/months? The RAWS station at Indio would indicate it hasn't been below 30 degrees in your area. With this in mind, the coldest it could have been on the bike is +10. Keep in mind, the wind chill will not get colder beyond 60mph regardless of the ambient temperature you start off at. So, if the temp is +10 at 60mph with an ambient of 30, it will still be +10 at 80 or even 100mph. To ride at -16 the ambient in your area would have to be around 12 degrees F and you would need to be riding at around 60mph. Either way that's cold.......
Unit Number
Required Data Entry
Temperature °F 35 °C 1.6666666666666667
Wind Speed 69.5180992 MPH (Nautical)
80 MPH (Statute)
128.74751999999998 KmPH (Kilometers)

Calculated Results
Wind Chill old: 3 °F -16 °C new: 16°F -9 °C

Wind speeds of less than 5 MPH statute have virtually no wind chill
factor on the old formula and less than 3 MPH statute have little
or no effect on the new formula!

my bad I was looking at Celcius.:D
Unit Number
Required Data Entry
Temperature °F 35 °C 1.6666666666666667
Wind Speed 69.5180992 MPH (Nautical)
80 MPH (Statute)
128.74751999999998 KmPH (Kilometers)

Calculated Results
Wind Chill old: 3 °F -16 °C new: 16°F -9 °C

Wind speeds of less than 5 MPH statute have virtually no wind chill
factor on the old formula and less than 3 MPH statute have little
or no effect on the new formula!

my bad I was looking at Celcius.:D

Exactly. I was wondering if you may have been using C but kind of blew it off because you live in SoCal. F would just be the norm but the baseline of -16 didn't make any sense when I checked the RAWS in Indio. Either way, I know how cold that desert can get and it will become even colder .......
Now if you had used the silver and black F to C converter that would never have happened. How do you get the little circle up for the degrees:confused: 69mph wind speed, isn't that like a hurricaine?
Low 60's, that is the cut off for me. Cold weather and I dont get along...
When it snows, I look like the Michelin Man...

Needless to say the FZ has been parked for the winter. She might come back out around March.

I've done 300 mile days in the teens (F) but probably wouldn't again just because of ICE (street riding that is).

I'll ride dirt all day so long as the speeds are fairly low and I'm getting a workout...
Butt Live
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the olympia toy run. yes that is snow! with the windchill it was -7* F. it was a cold day! no heated, pants, gloves or jacket.:rockon:

ps. i am on the right.

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Well with most of the manufactures stoping production of the 125cc two strokes and the 250cc four stokes seeming to take over...there arent many 125's around. I am still a fan of them myself, and I have no intentions of selling my KX250 because, IMHO, a two stroke is still dominate in the woods.

Chilly this morning

- 4C this morning, bike kept in a garage to. It got to -10C in some places in the uk. The roads are full of salt and I am lubing my chain every day.
This winter is eating my bike:spank::spank:
