Hospitalized Since monday due to Guy in F150 cutting me off..

Sorry to hear about your off. Glad that you're ok (relatively) and that your friend didn't also get hit. You're another example of the 'I didn't see you' bug that bites all too many cagers...

Take your time healing, and make sure your leg gets 100% so you'll be able to handle the weight of the bike on it...
Sorry to hear about your accident man! I wish you a quick recovery..
Good luck with the rehab!
Gawd, aren't you glad you were wearing all your gear?!?! Whew! Unfortunately, I know how your folks felt after getting that call...been there, except my son was: boy on bicycle vs. moving van. He ended up with a titanium rod in his femur, a plate in his hip, and a few screws in the ankle.
Take care & I wish you a fast recovery.......
Best wishes for your speedy recovery. Knowing about the pain meds, and the stiffness that will be working against you..... take the meds as long as the docs tell you to, and do the therapy as soon and as much as you are told. It s*cks, but not anywhere near as much as not doing it will.

Glad you're mostly okay.
I broke my right leg when I dumped my bike, too. The bone is naturally hollow, btw, they don't drill it out it just slides in. I recovered a month faster than they said so you'll be up and running faster than you think. For the first two months you're going to be useless and if your leg isn't elevated you're going to feel the blood rush to it and it's going to start to throb. Sleeping with the rod is terrible because you have no cast to prevent the leg from moving, something that I found helped was grabbing like 4 pillows and putting them all around to kind of set it.

Once you get past the first month it gets a lot easier. About three months in you will start being able to put TINY amounts of weight on it with the crutches, and that's fine to do as long as you don't overdo it. I was scared that I might mess it up but on the next doctor's visit he said that was fine and actually helped to speed up the recovery process.

The rod they put in goes through the knee, or at least mine did, check to see if you have a scar on your knee. If so, you're probably going to have joint issues for a long time. I can't carry anything heavy or my knee gives out on me, even though my break was down towards the ankle. I also had a lot of nerve damage from the bone actually popping out and I can't feel the top of my foot. Make sure that you tell your doctor EVERYTHING, no matter how trivial you think it is, because if they don't do something about it ASAP you will deal with it for the rest of your life.

Good luck with the recovery.
Well that blows moose balls, but on the bright side you still get a chance to celebrate another birthday....21 you said...that makes you legal in states ........cheers.:rockon:
I had a spill 2 years ago ended up going over the bars flying 30ft and landing on my they say. I only remember the dismount and thinking to my self that this one is going to hurt. Don't remember the impact. Anyhow morphine was my best friend for a while but I didn't enjoy its company(made my stomach upset). When my doctor seen me he was wondering if I gone few rounds with Mike Tyson, he also kept reminding me how lucky I was, funny thing all the nurses and even the paramedics kept saying the same thing. I guess I was lucky since I didn't brake a single bone in my body but I tore a lot of soft tissue plus my right kidney was like a rainbow all those colours and size of a water mellon, that sucker was huge. Man I could not sleep on my back, sit up or walk for about 2 months and going to use the facilities well......:(
Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope everything works out, and you're back on the bike soon. :thumbup:
Very sorry to hear about your accident! Wishing you a speedy and thorough recovery :thumbup: I saw this video on this forum a couple of weeks ago and i think it describes your accident very well. Again sorry to hear that your a victim of this type of accident.

[ame=]YouTube - Crash Course - The SMIDSY[/ame]

This video changed the way i plan to ride!
I agree, a good number of these types of crashes the driver does see you.

But here what you have to remember and ask yourself these questions whenever you have identified this type of scenario:

1. What happens to the size of a car or truck when as it approaches and gets closer? It gets BIGGER. Because motorcycles are so small, we really don't get much bigger as we get closer, our size pretty much remains the same. So they pull out in front of us.

2.. Because of our small size, it appears that we are farther away. Combine the fact that it's also very difficult to judge our oncoming speed, being that we are so small to begin with. So they pull out in front of us.

3. Why do motorcycle cops who travel in pairs ride side by side? Because they make themselves become more visible by making them appear larger, like a car.

Very true. I forget that stuff, because I have no problem gauging how far away someone is, or how fast they're going. And if I'm in doubt, I just wait! But, most people lack these abilities apparently, and rather than choose the SAFE option, they for some reason just guess. Anyways, great reminder that everyone should keep in mind. If you're going to assume anything when riding, assume that they don't see you!
Shaking my head in disgust! Too many careless drivers and a disproportionate number of them in light trucks and SUV's. My heart sank reading about your ordeal.

So heal up soon brother!! Could take awhile to put this behind you but you will get there. Your youth should make it a bit easier on the recovery time.
Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery.
Really sorry to hear what happened.
Heal fast and keep yourself busy while on the couch. Not much worse than being bored, bored, bored. :thumbup:
Screw that guy. It blows my mind sometimes what people do. Why he didn't pull over right away, get out and help is beyond me. He either wondering if he should stop or for some reason didn't feel the urgency of the situation and wanted to find a safe place to pull over. It is quit possible he was in shock of the situation as well but I don't want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Glad you are ok and :iconbeer: here is to a speedy recovery!
glad youre OK, but you had 15 feet and could have jumped off to save yourself?

He still would have been going just as fast.... except that he would have been purely ballistic then. No control at all. Keep the rubber on the pavement as long as you can. That's a lot easier on your skin. :thumbup:
Really sorry to hear about your accident Raven, pleased to hear you were wearing your gear otherwise it could have been even worse.
Get well soon.
Good Morning Everyone,
Wow I am amazed at how many people have responded. I want you guys to know that it is an awesome feeling to have the all of the support that I have gotten from this Great Community!

Its crazy reading about how many other people have gone through simmilar circumstances and had been faced with situations caused by other drivers on the road who are not as alert as they should be while operating vehicles that have 5-10 times more mass then our bikes.

You all have shared great stories, and have given me great advice from your experience dealing with similar situations, and I am truely thankful for all of it. :thumbup:

So yeah now for an update:

Physical Therapy tried to get me back on the crutches to hobble around again, and we kinda did it.. But even while doped up on percoset and morphine, the pain was still unbearable. And no one could understand why it was that bad.

That was until I found the answer late last night. Typically they dont change the dressings that they wrap my leg in after surgery. But mine had been saturated in all this orangey/yellow/red fluid that was oozeing out of my leg.. so inorder to keep it clean I had them change it that night since it hadn't been changed since wednesday even though they werent planning to have it done till tomorrow.

The nurse removed the wrapping that went from the top of my knee down to my toes and removed all of the cloth that was sticking to my leg..
Sorry if you guys are eating while reading this! haha

After everything was out of the way, I saw my ankle... The thing is inflated like a balloon, and is severely swollen. No wonder why it hurt to walk on it. It must have gotten real screwed up during the accident aswell.

There was no way for me to know that my ankle was in that condition, because when I first arrived at the hospital, my leg was obviously broken and they immediatly put it in a splint which immobilised my leg from the knee down.
That splint never came off until surgery till wednesday, which was after i was put to sleep with anesthetic.
Why the doctors didnt take note that my ankle looked like a balloon? I have no idea. But what they did do was advise the physical therapy team to get me on my feet with the crutches yesterday morning and afternoon.

Im no doctor but putting weight on a swollen ankle doesnt seem like the way to get it better.
Unfortunately there was no way for me to find out about it till now.
The docs should have picked up on it on wednesday though when they had the splint off, or better yet, before then.

So yesterday was definately interesting, and left me kind of annoyed that they didnt catch this sooner. This morning one of the surgeons assistants from wednesday came by and I let her know what I found and explained the reason why it was so painfull to get on the crutches during physical therapy.

So xrays for my ankle have been ordered and we'll just have to wait and see what they find this time. :rolleyes:

Ill let you guys know what happens and where this whole thing goes, and once again thank you all for your support!!
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Ouch! So glad you're able to post up mate. Could've been a lot worse...could've been a lot better as well, but at least you're still in one piece. Hope you come good quick, and get all your woes sorted.

I hate hearing that, "I didn't see you" crap. You were there with a bright light on. If he'd looked, he would've seen you. A cursory glance, when in control of a significant tonnage of machinery is not looking.:(