Hospitalized Since monday due to Guy in F150 cutting me off..

Thank you all for your support! I'm truely happy to be part of such a caring community here on the forums. :D

Yeah I am lucky that he did actually have insurance, however I am still waiting to hear how much coverage he did have on that vehicle. I should have an answer on that today.

Today I get visited by the doctors to work with me to get me back on my feet. Or atleast try with either crutches or a walker. They dont want me being stuck in the bed for too long because that will increase the risks of me getting a blood clot and also will leave my muscles to get weak.

Pain is definately gunna be a factor with that though because after the surgery i can honestly say that it hurts more now then before the surgery. But apparently this is typical in orthopedic operations, and should only last a few days till everything gets further along in the healing process.

And I just thought I'd clarify that the bone that broke was my shin. Definately hurt quite a bit because right after the accident i tried turning my leg and just felt this horrible popping feeling from the fractured pieces rubbing against eachother down there..

I wish i Could of seen how the guys truck looked but i didnt see him since i crashed into him. But from what my friend Anthony told me it was pretty screwed up. haha Yes!

And yeah I've done a lot of thinking about different manuvers i could have tried after he pulled infront of me, but with only 15 feet to react to it, and sitting on that heavy bmw, I concluded that no matter what manuver i did I would have still ended up hitting that truck. Plus if I was able to get a little more to my left before the impact, it would have made it more difficult for my friend anthony to avoid running my over on the fz6..

So either way it was going to be a lose/lose situation.
Once again thank you all for the support!
Im just about to do some physical therapy now, but judging from how much my leg hurts since surgery I dont think I will get too far
Sounds like it could have been a lot worse and I'm glad your going to be ok. Is It just me or does it seem like everyone theres an accident involving a motorcycle the other person always tries to run
Hang tough Bro. You'll learn some new things about yourself. It's all good! Keep your chin up and remember you have friends rootin for your speedy recovery! :BLAA:
That sucks, just don't be Mr nice guy and let the idiot off easy or years later you'll look back and wish you hadn't. Sounds cold but the fact is that idiots that drive need to taught a lesson about awareness and it isn't just bikes they don't see as I was involved in the same type of accident when an idiot in a van made a left turn right in front of me, had about the same time to react but lucky for me I was in a Toyota Tacoma PU and didn't suffer any injuries. The point is that they don't see vehicles like a PU so bikes are really off their radar.
Get well quick:thumbup:

Sorry to hear about your ruined week of awesomeness, and even worse, your accident and injuries. BUT, thanks for sharing, it helps the rest of us to be on extra alert for this type of thing.

Hope you heal quick man.
wow.. what a crazy story.. its good to hear that your ok and I wish you the best!

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We all hope this sort of thing never happens to us. Here's for your speedy recovery to get back in the saddle again for some safe, fun riding!

Early happy birthday to ya!:rockon:
Really sorry to hear that man. Have a fast recovery. This is one of those scenarios that I always imagine when I'm coming to an intersection. Where I live, theres a lot of traffic on the streets all the time, so a lot of people try to make those lefties real quickly in front of you. I always assume that they cant see me and flash my high beams when Im approaching an intersection. I probably look like a tool in some cases but thats a price im willing to pay in exchange for extra safety.

I relate to this because it always sucks extra when you are planning a whole trip and something like this messes it up. I felt that way when I broke my face, skiing down a mountain with friends and pretty much ended that weekend. In the end, know that people are glad to see you in one piece. Nothing else matters.

That sucks man. Get back on the bike as soon as the doctor says its cool. It's good for you. I had almost the exact same thing happen to me. But I braked during the swerve and lowsided mine and skid across the street. Just some road rash on my knee. Just completed MSF course too.

Anyway, don't let him get away with it too much. Some people just need to have their license pulled. Like the guy that ran me off the road talking on his cell phone. Too busy talking and somehow missed my big, shiny, bright red F-150. He got over, and didn't even flinch when I laid on the horn. I saw him before that since I'm fairly used to spotting those douche bags before they smear me. So I just ran in the shoulder for a bit, and laughed when the cop behind me pulled him over.
IME with my situation the first thing my dad did while I was still in the hospital (which ended being 6 weeks) was to hire a reputable attorney. While I didn't get rich from the accident, my lawyer negotiated a good settlement which covered all my hospital bills, therapy etc. and after the settlement went back to all the medical providers and got them to lower their fees by 30%.
Don't take your injuries too lightly and the amount of physical therapy that will be involved in the long run.
Just my .03 worth..
Dang, scary! Glad you made it out alive though! That's the type of accident I fear the most. Well that, and getting sideswiped. Both look equally terrible!

Sounds like the F150 dude did see you, he just didn't care, and/or thought he could make it. I see it all the time around here. "Oh well, it's a motorcycle, it won't hurt my car and he can stop really quick" seems to be the mentality. What a moron. You should take everyone's advice here, and get an attorney. If for nothing else, than to cover your expenses. An attorney will also ensure the dude doesn't try to pull any nonsense and weasel out of the situation.
Hey guys thanks again for all of the support and just thought I'd give you all an update.

I had Physical therapy right around 10 this morning. Holy crap. They had me on Morphine AND Percoset, and just trying to stand up with crutches gave me more pain then anything I have experienced in quite some time. Im not a baby with pain or anything like that.. This crap just really frikin hurt.
I was being helped by 2 assistants and was able to make a trip about 3 feet from my bed and back. So judging from how immobile I am, I wont be leaving here today. Hopefully tomorrows thereapy goes better then today did..

Alot of this has to do with the procedure that i had done, which I picked due to it having the fastest recovery time. I need to be able to be on my feet, I work as a Lead Service Tech at an automotive repair shop and Im on those things for the full day (13 hours)

The operation I had done was pretty much having a cut made just below my knee. After relocating one of my tendons that was in the way, The surgeon the drilled out the inside of my bone and press fitted a 13mm thick titanium rod into the inside through that hole they cut. After that they secured it with a screw up top they stapled the incisions closed and sent me on my way..

so yeah thats that.. I dunno what will change but thanks for the support and ill keep you guys updated and all of that.
Sounds like the F150 dude did see you, he just didn't care, and/or thought he could make it. I see it all the time around here. "Oh well, it's a motorcycle, it won't hurt my car and he can stop really quick" seems to be the mentality. .

I agree, a good number of these types of crashes the driver does see you.

But here what you have to remember and ask yourself these questions whenever you have identified this type of scenario:

1. What happens to the size of a car or truck when as it approaches and gets closer? It gets BIGGER. Because motorcycles are so small, we really don't get much bigger as we get closer, our size pretty much remains the same. So they pull out in front of us.

2.. Because of our small size, it appears that we are farther away. Combine the fact that it's also very difficult to judge our oncoming speed, being that we are so small to begin with. So they pull out in front of us.

3. Why do motorcycle cops who travel in pairs ride side by side? Because they make themselves become more visible by making them appear larger, like a car.
IME with my situation the first thing my dad did while I was still in the hospital (which ended being 6 weeks) was to hire a reputable attorney. While I didn't get rich from the accident, my lawyer negotiated a good settlement which covered all my hospital bills, therapy etc. and after the settlement went back to all the medical providers and got them to lower their fees by 30%.
Don't take your injuries too lightly and the amount of physical therapy that will be involved in the long run.
Just my .03 worth..

Wavex has a whole thread about his accident and the aftermath with the attorneys posted somewhere, had some really good info and advice..OP, you should check that out, it might help when you start dealing with the f150 a hole.