Hospitalized Since monday due to Guy in F150 cutting me off..


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Feb 17, 2011
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W Phoenix, AZ
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(Updated w/ PICTURES + Q&A 3/20/11) Hospitalized Since monday due to Guy in F150 cutting me off..

For those of you who are hunting around for previous updates made, I have listed their location below :thumbup:

- Update #2 - Page #3 > Post #21
- Update #3 - Page #4 > Post #36
- Update #4 - Page #6 > Post #58
- Update #5 - Page #7 > Post #65
- Update #6 - Page #8 > Post #73 <--- PICTURES
- Update #7 - Page #8 > Post #78 <--- Responses to questions from Members (Posts #2 - #77)
- Update #8 - Page #9 > Post #81 <--- Xrays from last Tuesdays Doctors visit + Info =/

Hey guys,
Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but yeah the title pretty much sums it all up so ill explain it from the begining.

One of my best friends from high school flew out here on saturday because he hasnt been out to arizona before, and since it was our spring break from college, I wanted to show him a good time. We had a lot of plans for the week ahead that he would be here for including renting quads on tuesday, riding up to the grand canyon with the bikes on wednesday, and then we were supposed to fly back to new jersey today so i could visit my family, and he could be with his. It should have been an awesome 2 weeks.

But monday changed all of that.

It was about 6pm and my friend (Anthony) and I were on the way to go cruise up the south mountains of phoenix on the bikes. He was on my 2005 FZ-6, and i was on my dads BMW R1100R (with permission of course.)

We were heading south bound on central ave and were approaching the intersection at dobbins road. We had a green light and I was leading, with anthony following about 20 feet behind me. We were not speeding (30-35mph), and had our high beams on so we would be more visible.

There was a guy wearing a huge cowboy hat in an 84 F150, going northbound on the same road who was also approaching the intersection. He ended up pulling into his left hand turning lane with the intention of heading west on dobbins rd. He slowed down as he neared the intersection and stopped at the green light which meant to me that he was gunna wait for us to make it through the intersection. To my misfortune, he ended up instead pulling out infront of me and tried to make his turn. This gave me all of 15 feet to react and try and avoid colliding with his truck. Definately not enough time. I got on the brakes hard and tried swerving left but my manuvering options were severly limited.

I ended up slamming into the side of his pick-up truck just infront of his right rear wheel. Anthony who was riding behind me swerved to miss the wreckage and my body by about 5 feet. He saw the whole thing happen and when he saw the impact, he thought I wouldnt have made it. So he was slightly relieved to hear me screaming and squirming on the ground.

Meanwhile, you would expect that if someone crashed into the side of your truck, you would stop right away to see what happened. This is not what this driver did though and continued on for a little bit until he pulled into a nearby gas station probably cuz he realized too many people witnessed what happened.

Anthony was about to jump back on the fz6 to chase him down but instead one of the witnesses got to him first.
The first thing I thought of when I hit the ground was "Get out of the middle of the intersection" as i definately did not want to get runover by anyone. I tried getting up but ended up not even being able to sit up and just kinda slumped over on my side. Numerous people got out their cars and were very helpful, as I was in a lot of pain. Someone called 911 and an ambulance arrived at the scene fairly quickly. Police questioned the witnesses, my friend, and the dude driving the f150 while i was loaded into the ambulance, and it was determined that it was 100% the F150 drivers fault.
He claims he didnt see us..
Anthony ended up following me in the ambulance to the hospital on the fz6. I never went out of consciousness or anything like that, and everyone was saying how lucky i was to have been wearing full riding gear (Carbon fiber Helmet, Protective riding Jacket, gloves, Boots.)
It could have been a lot worse but i did get a broken right leg, and a fractured tail bone, as well as numerous bumps and bruises.

I just had surgery for the broken bone yesterday, and if everything goes well I might be released tonight or tomorrow. I made the decision to have the surgery done rather then having a cast so recovery time would be quicker (6-8 weeks instead of 3-4 months.) They had to drill out the inside of the bone and then press fit a titanium rod in the middle to stabilise and align them, and was secured with a couple screws.
Currently im working things out with the insurance companies to make sure I get covered for the medical costs, days ill be missing work and for the totaled bike.

Definately a crappy situation and there isnt much i could do or could have done about it. Its been my first time breaking a bone, first time in an ambulance and first time being involved in a motorvehicle accident. And all less then a week before my 21st birthday.. Haha I turn 21 on March 12th.. so i guess i was overdue for this to happen?? haha

My friends and family have been very supportive and are wishing me a speedy recovery. However i do have a little ways ahead of me before im back to 100% which includes rehab and all of that fun stuff.

Anyways just thought i would share that with you guys and Im sorry if this is posted in the wrong section.

Thank god the FZ6 was alright since i let my friend use it!

Oh and for you guys familiar with the phoenix area, Im at the Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center off 12th st & McDowell
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This sucks big time, I'm sorry.

At least you're able to tell us about the whole ordeal.

Get better soon,

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Feel better man. This sucks big time, but you are alive and that's what is important.

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Heal up quick man!! Glad to hear you're relatively ok. And count your lucky stars that, being in Arizona, it wasn't an Illegal with no insurance :spank:.
Very sorry about your misfortune. Heal quick and well. You're young.. you'll get over this in no time and will be 100% soon enough.
Sorry for you man. I have not had a road accident yet and worry if it would make me want want to jack in riding bikes.

Although I had a bad bicycle accident smashing my teeth out through my lips (no full face helmets on bikes). The first thing I did as soon as I could talk again was buy a new bike.

Hope you make a quick recovery dude!
Hey RavenFZ6--you say it was about 6 pm. Was it dusk with lights necessary? I'm wondering if the driver was wearing a reading contact or glasses. If so, and vehicles already had lights on, his vision would be blurry and distort his vision significantly. But whatever, it sucks. One of my greatest concerns, for sure, is the motorist pulling a left suddenly in front of me (why sometimes I decrease speed, cover front/rear brake lever/pedal while continuing). Thanks for the story!
That sucks. Hope you put a good imprint into the side of that guys truck.

Speedy recovery:thumbup:
Glad to hear you're still with us! One thing regarding the Titanium rod in your leg... you'll probably want to have it removed in a couple years after the femur is fully healed.

The reason is that if you continue riding motorcycles, or other active pursuits, there is an increased chance that you could break that bone again. Breaking bones sucks, but it's even worse when you have a bent Titanium rod inside the bone.

I have a buddy who was involved in a car accident 3 years ago, and it surgeon suggested the rod be removed 1-2 years post surgery since he is a Public Safety Officer (Police/Fire/EMS). The surgeon reasoned that he was at an increased risk of falling down a smoke filled stairwell, getting into an accident, falling on ice... ect.
that royally sucks, but at least your ok.. can fix broken bones, but cant replace you.. keep us updated about yourself and whats going to happen to the guy in the 150.. I would end up sueing if possible cuz obviosly the guy was not paying attention.. keep positive
Bummer ay, that is exactally what happened to me some 20 years ago. It will definitley change your riding style, making you more of an offensive cyclist.

I find myself in similar situations daily and wil NEVER again trust that they see me, when this situation arises I get off the throttle, slowing to a stop if nessecary all along pointing and waving to ENSURE they see me, pisses the cagers off but gets the point across.

After my wreck (with more serious injury) I gave up bikes for a good 15 years. Don't let that happen to you man, be the biggest ******* you can on the road for your own defense.

Sidenote, you will never forget the sound of slamming into that truck, I can still hear it as clearly s in 1992.

Get well soon.
Thanks for sharing, we will all gain from this post, unfortunately from your misfortune. Never assume, anticipate the worst case scenario. You did a great job identifying the hazard, I think you just gave too much credit for the "Cowboy". I'm wondering if you would have made it if you just swerved from the beginning rather than braking and then swerve?

Hope for a speed recovery! I hope that guy is well insured, and if he isn't, you can get a judgement placed on him too. Pain and suffering, you really can't put a price on that.

Get a good lawyer!
We are so glad you are OK. What a bummer the stupid cowboy deserves to be sued big time. Please heal up fast and get back on that FZ6. How was your dad with you crashing his BMW? Probably just happy you are OK. Thanks
Get well soon man. :thumbup:
It's a sucky feeling knowing you're riding as safely as you can and this kind of this can still happen.

I had the same thing happen to me in the mid '70s, broke both my legs and put a $600 dent in the dude's fender with my body. :eek:
They took the titanium rod out of my femur after one year and you should have seen the look on the faces in the pathology dept. when I went to collect the rod after they removed it so I could keep it for a souvenir. :D
Definitely sorry to hear about this, but massively glad that you're (relatively) okay.

The truck guy was 100% in the wrong, I hope they seriously throw the book at him.

Get well soon!