Hometown riding conditions


It's not over...
Apr 14, 2008
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I live in Utah and the weather here is absolutely tormenting...It starts to get to the high temperatures but then the next day it storms. Even when the roads are warm, the wind picks up like crazy. I can't stand it! I want to sell my car and just ride everywhere, but I guess I will have to wait a little longer...

How are the riding conditions in your hometown?
today is the best day ever... sunny, light breeze, 80 degrees, and 0% chance of rain until overnight, no rain in sight for a week
wow, that sounds really nice. I'm so jealous. I just checked the weather and it's supposed to to snow tomorrow! Snow! ...it's not fair
no rain for the past week and a half. high 70's to low 80's no rain in site for the next week until monday..... I haven't put gas in my car for over a month and a half. :Flip:
Texas - mid 80's, bit humid the last few days. The two weeks prior were perfect. 72, sunny, no humidity, bit windy. Good job market, reasonable housing costs and appreciating home values. Fun roads to ride on.
Thanks for the info. I've thought about moving to texas. I've heard lot's of great things about it. Too bad I love my job here...
68 overhere in Holland. :thumbup: But as you might already guessed it's raining again. :mad:

Shame as it had been a nice few days with plenty of sunshine. Well at least the rain is good for all the tulips that are coming out at the moment (well here in North Holland anyway) :thumbup:
I live in Utah too. The weather has been horrible. Last week, I decided I was riding no matter what. I picked a sunny day, but it was about 25 degrees when I left for work and didn't get above 45 degrees. I froze to death the whole day. I can't wait for some good weather so I can ride.
I live in Utah too. The weather has been horrible. Last week, I decided I was riding no matter what. I picked a sunny day, but it was about 25 degrees when I left for work and didn't get above 45 degrees. I froze to death the whole day. I can't wait for some good weather so I can ride.
Yeah, gotta love the freezing early morning commute...well, saturday and sunday look hopeful. It should hit the sixties at least...
81 and sunny. Worked my butt off yesterday to ride today. Rode to Rough River Dam and Rough River falls on KY 185 and 79. Nice twisties in spots. Down side its tractor season too. So there are lots of hidden patches of gravel and dried chunks of mud. Ride safe.