Home Made Chain Cleaning Contraption

Ras Thavas

Junior Member
May 21, 2008
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Virginia Beach, VA
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So I started to clean my chain the other day, and even with cardboard on the floor it was just too messy for my tastes. So I made the following contraption.

First step: Get an old empty laundry detergent container and some tin snips (pic 1.)

Second Step: Drill a hole in the container to get the tin snips in and cut around the circumference of the container (pic 2.) *Note - do this in the bathtub or over a big sink or else you will spill detergent all over your floor like I did :)

Third Step: Slot the container so the chain will sit as low as possible in the container and test fit (pics 3 & 4.)

Fourth step: Fill the bottom of the container with cat sand, oil absorb, or a bunch of rags (pic 5.)

Not pictured - slot the chain in the tub and spray with your cleaner of choice. Once that section is clean pull the tub down and rotate the tire enough to get to the next section of chain. Repeat until the chain is nice and clean.
Now that's creative! Nice job!! I'll bet you'll be more willing to clean your chain now that you've made it an easier job.