Hi-vis law in France and Ireland passed, who's next??

if it saves even one life, then it's a good law
why would anybody be against this law. Wouldn't you want someone to see you?
I signed this petition......Against EU Member States Introducing Mandatory High Visibility Clothing For Motorcyclists. I think it should be left to the rider him or her self if they want to ware a Hi Viz or not. On my way to work I came off my bike, I was wearing my Hi Viz when a car came speeding from the right the driver admitted it was 100% is fault. I lost my claim as the car drivers insurance threw it out because I did not make contact with the car. :(

Please click on the Link below.....This will automatically become UK law soon and it means that bikers will not be able to customise their bikes in anyway or use cheaper (still safe & approved) 'after market' parts. I have signed this petition and believe this must not get passed as it would force more bikers off the road. :(

Reject EU (Motorcycle) 'Anti-tampering' legislation, this included Art 18 & 52, that will prevent owners customising their bikes and/or using after ma - e-petitions
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The e service site is down for maintenance.
I have not see any legislation to suggest hi viz gear is now mandatory in Ireland or France.

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I think there will be huge changes in the future. When I recently saw a clip of one of those google cars ridden by a blind man, I couldn't help thinking about the practical implications of that. Because I think that a lot of people drive cars because they have to. A lot of those people drive around without really knowing the rules and they are more thinking about things they have to do that day, than paying attention to traffic. Google said that there might be production versions of that system by 2020. And it is not google alone that is busy with that. Will the replacement of those bad drivers by machines make roads safe again? Because even in bad visibility that car still sees you. It just made me wonder. :)
if it saves even one life, then it's a good law
why would anybody be against this law. Wouldn't you want someone to see you?

We should bring in a law that bans flight in aircraft outright. This will save some lives, arguably more than one! It must be a REALLY good law then. :thumbup:

People can choose to wear high vis gear, it's not as tho there's a law preventing people from making themselves as visible as they want to be.

This has absolutely nothing to do with people not wanting to be seen. :confused:
Hi guys, first post on here, I'm hoping to get a fz6 in the near future but this thread caught my attention...

For the record there is NO law in Ireland at present to wear hi-viz. The Road Safety Authourity (RSA) would like to increase their use alright but there is at present, 100% no law requiring you to wear hi-viz.
Hi guys, first post on here, I'm hoping to get a fz6 in the near future but this thread caught my attention...

For the record there is NO law in Ireland at present to wear hi-viz. The Road Safety Authourity (RSA) would like to increase their use alright but there is at present, 100% no law requiring you to wear hi-viz.

:welcome: Redgate to the forum. :rockon:
Hi guys, first post on here, I'm hoping to get a fz6 in the near future but this thread caught my attention...

For the record there is NO law in Ireland at present to wear hi-viz. The Road Safety Authourity (RSA) would like to increase their use alright but there is at present, 100% no law requiring you to wear hi-viz.

Where are you in Irland mate? Im in Offaly.

Where are you in Irland mate? Im in Offaly.


How you doing Neil, living in Co. Wicklow. Have a er6 at the moment but I'm on the look out for 07-09 fz6. I'm in no panic so I'm just keeping an eye in the usual places.
Maybe we could mandate softer car boots and door panels to improve survivability?
I believe I read somewhere that they're designing some Eco cars front ends to be pedestrian safe because you can't hear them lol

On topic, I think hi vis does make a difference (if one person sees you out of million that's a difference) and that it's smart to wear it, however nobody should be FORCED to wear it. It's a case of the government believing we aren't smart enough to make our own choices. However I would love to see them try putting that into law in the US with the Harley cult we have :D

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